Chapter 10

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(2 hours later) (Travis P.O.V)
"Bye!" I shout to Katelyn
"Bye" she says whilst waving to me and my gran
"I really like her!" Gran says
"So do I lol" I say laughing
"Can we leave now Travis emerdail is coming on and I don't want to miss it " gran asked
I laugh again and say
"Beacause that would be such a terrible thing to Happen now wouldn't it 😂"
"Yeah it would" she says
"Right com'on then lets get you home" I say while standing up and helping gran
(After Travis dropped his gran oh he stopped by at katelyns)
"Hi Travis what are you doing here?"
Katelyn says
"I wanted to say thank you for meeting my gran today and being so kind" I say sounding a bit cheesey
"I'm not as bad with gran parents as I thought then lol" she says making me giggle
"Well I'll see you later coz I have to go and meet Dante " I say
"K I'm gonna text Nicole see if she's doing anything anyway" she says smiling
"Bye" I say 🤗 waving
"See ya ! " she says -closing the door .
(Nicole P.O.V)
Me and Dante are watching game of thrones together (Dancole is real in this fanfic and all their friend know)
Then we hear a knock on the door and Dante jumps up and says
"That must be Travis"
Then went and opened the door,
"Travis hey ! " Dante welcomes him
In and I stand up ,
"Hi Travis , I would stay but I want to see what katelyns doing ?" I say
(Nicole and Dante know about Travlyn COZ katelyn told Nicole and Travis told Dante lol)
"She was about to text you when I was leaving" Travis says
"Ok thanks !" I thank him and run upstairs , (Katelyn and Nicole are BFFTLE) I decide to text her ,
N : hey what you up two ? Xx
K : just sitting in bed stalking the OUAT acters wbu? Xx
N : Travis came over to I left Dante and him to do there thing , wanna hang out ? Xx
K: yup ! Wanna Come round to mine ? Xx
N : sure , see ya in 5 yeah ?!
K : yeah 😜 xx
I grab my laptop and coat and run down stairs ,
" bye guys, Dante I'm taking your car k? " I say to the guys
"Ok where you heading anyway !" Dante asked
"Katelyns" I shout through the
door , before going to katelyns I stop at the co-op and pick up a couple dairy milk bars !!!!!
I just walk in (BFFTLE don't need to knock )
"Hey Katelyn!" I shout whilst closing the door with my foot COZ I'm holding lodes of stuff ,
"Hi Nicole !" I hear shouting back at me
"Bedroom?" I shout wondering if she's in there ,
"YUP!" I hear getting shouted back ,
I run up the stairs and throw both an Oreo and a original on the bed
"What one you want I'll have the other " I ask
"I'll have original " Katelyn says
"K" I say picking up the Oreo one
"What you watching?" I ask
"This new tv show called lost its so good" she says as she starts FANGIRLING!!
"Wanna Binge Watch!" I suggest
"I'm already a step head" she say and I don't understand until she pulls up a website with every ep of every season! ,
" wow !" I say not expecting that
"Well .... Ta ... Da !" Katelyn says during pure laughter
"Right Lets whatch e1 s1"
(8 1/2 hours later)
I look at my phone and it's now 11:30 ..
"Katelyn!" I say
"What?!?" She screens since its on a jump scare bit and I frightened her 😂
"It's 11:30" I say still not believing it
"No it's not" she says then picks up her phone ...
"Oh Mabye it is ... Wanna have a sleepover !!" She suggests
"😱 OMI yes ! " I say sitting up
"We can binge watch all night "
"I mean we are already half way through so why not?
(Over at dantes house)
(Dante P.O.V)
Me and Travis are watching the foot ball (yes the football is on at 11:30 deal with it )
"Hey wanna see what the gals are going " I ask
"Yeah sure" Travis says
I start to text Nicole ~
D: hey babe what are you's doing ?x
N: binge watching some show ! What about yours  xx
D : watching foot ball ,btw when you coming home ,
N: I'm staying here tonight X
D : k I'll ask Travis if he wants to stay ! Xxx
K: k night babe xx
D : night 😘 xx
"Yo Travis" I say getting his attention
"What's up?" He says still looking at the screen
"Wanna sleep hear tonight?" I ask
"Yeah sure where though" he asked
"We have a spare room " I say
"Oh yeah lol sorry" he says
Total 789 words

OTP Travlyn  ❣Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora