Percy Pov

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Today I was feeling really bored because everyone had something to do,except me:

Annabeth: Reading a book

Piper and Jason:On a Date

Hazel:In the horses stable

Frank:Dueling with Clarisse

Leo and Calypso:Building new machines

Nico and Will :Shadow travelling

So, I Decided to sing my favorite song while playing my guitar {I know you might be surprised but I have learned how to play the guitar,piano,drums when I was 10}

How Far we've Come

I was closing my eyes and singing the song as I recalled my memories .When I opened my eyes I saw I was on a stage and Whole Camp Half Blood and Jupiter .I decided to pinch my self and it hurt,OK so this not a dream.I saw the look at everyone's face and they all were shocked.I guess my singing was really bad.

Then , suddenly Apollo appeared ,"Well,I am the one who brought you all here to hear the the hero of Olympus sing and play his guitar,he never told anybody so I wanted to reveal this part of him to you all,"

I was shocked, I am a terrible singer and My guitar skills weren't the best . "Well Percy whatever you said is not true because you are an amazing singer and your guitar skills are AWESOME , even if you are not my Kid you are pretty talented ". I think I said that out loud by mistake and after his comment I started to blush a lot.

Annabeth was the first to react from the shock ,"Percy ,you never told me you could sing and that you could play the guitar!!" . Before I could reply Nico asked me,"Percy , you told you could not sing when I was taking you to the underworld"

Practically I was being Fired questions and then I could not take it anymore"QUIET I WILL REPLY TO YOUR QUESTIONS JUST CALM DOWN" I shouted and caused a mini earthquake by accident.

The noise came down and i replied"I know how to play the guitar,drums and the piano and learned to play the instruments since i was 10"I continued .

"Also I wanted to keep it a secret because i did not want people to think bad about my singing and I just was not ready to be a showoff and tell everyone and Paul and Mom were the only ones who knew I could Play instruments and that I could sing."

"So Percy is still being very modest and also I wanted to announce something that your music playing was recorded and is now a hit in Hephaestus TV as everyone has never seen a Hero of Olympus Sing and also that the Olympians wanted you to perform in Olympus ,All the major Gods and especially ordered by Lord Zeus Coming Friday so get Ready" Apollo said .

I Glared at him and said "Apollo could you not get any other sort of entertainment"Apollo replied as he gulped"Well I thought it was about time to expose your talent as there are no more threats."

"Your Father will be there as well as other Olympians including Lady Hestia and Lord Hades and don't you want to Impress your Dad"He asked .Darn he knew my fatal flaw Loyalty and I would do anything to impress my dad and that he has something new to be proud of and rub it in Lord Zeus face and it would really make me happy ,if he is happy.

"Fine and you got any suggestions ,Apollo ?"I asked

"Well I thought you could sing about the Olympians also they better be good and see you on Thursday "Apollo replied and disappeared and within seconds I was in my room .

Well better get prepared for the big concert ,I thought

Percy Jackson sings to the Greek GodsWhere stories live. Discover now