~forgotten love chapter 8-10~

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We went to lucinda house but ally wasn't really mean she was actually nice she told me leona was a princess if she's zanes daughter. I can tell she's zane daughter which he destroyed my tribe. If zane is leona i hate leona I don't care if she's princess I hate her. Tho ppl think we like eachother bc we r dam wolfs we don't if she likes me then. I'm gonna say NO after what her "father" done to me.
Ally: r u okay?
Yip: this is why I ahte her. Leona was just a brat. I can't belive someone nice as kiki can raise a kid like leona.
Ally: she's rude I can tell. But we can't take her as zane. Yet right now you want alexis right?
Yip: Yes I miss my strawberry.
Ally; ok..
Ally swings sword to the left and right and a light light enters alexis and she Wakes up*
Alexis: mm..
Yip: Alexis!?*hugs her*
Alexis: yip? *hugs back* hehe
Yip: hehe cutie
Alexis: nu
Ally:*leaves with malachi and lucinda *
Yip: i love u so much...
Alexis: i love u with my whole heart
Yip: i hate leona.. but I love u..
Alexis: i love u to..
I hugged her alot til I started to cry but didn't i cried in side tho. But I love her still. Then I took her home ewoyh me it was lonely in my house well not anymore I felt HAPPY tho I didn't knew what to do then alexis hugged me again . (Note: for readers this is about to get dirty if ur 10 or lower plz leave thank .u You've Been warned)
Then I hugged her with joy..but I felt strange...like..I wont her to know she's only mine...no one else just mine...I slowly kisses her a little hard more like making out hard. She kissed back. I slowly took off her shirt while kissing her. I rubbed her "Chest". It was cute she moan really cute. Kept doing it.
/////morning(note: i couldn't do it*nose bleeds*)/////
Alexis POV
I woke up with nothing on me.tyen I remember. Me and yip..Ah!*covers face* at least he didn't do it hard. Or take it to the very next level...but he didn't get me pregnant. Omi..I was about to put my cloths on until I felt like someone grabbed my hips. Yep. It was yip. I blushed pure red.
Yip: heh..sorry I did that...I  couldn't control myself.
Alexis: it's fine really.
Yip; heh..*kiss her shoulder *
Alexis: m-mm..
Yip: heh..*hugged her*
Alexis: y-yip we r not wearing c-cloths..
Yip: so?*red*
Alexis: ..heh..*puts cloths on and makes breakfast*
Yip:*cloths on and makes breakfast with her*
Alexis: hehe
///with leona and maria///
Leona POV
Grrr she woke up! Bc of that ally girl! Grrr I NEVER want known her!GRRRR
I deeply felt rage then I had an idea on it MUAHAHA I grabbed maria. And I made her d9 stuff for me but after a while I decide to make something more. How about we make alexis be the villan..and I save the day? Muahaha
I love being half zane it's the best haha. So I made a shadow knight postion and dressed up like a girl and named myself Cadence. And changed maria to make her look like Bella. And sooner enough we went to Phoenix Drop.
/// in Phoenix drop///
Maria POV
After I became Bella I felt...bad...I didn't want to do this anymore I don't want to hurt alexis...she was like my cute little sister..that doesn't shut up but still she's adorable even tho that scarf dudd guy is kinda cute. But eh maybe I should stop leona..she acts JUST like zane..I r,Eberle what he did to my family...
***marias flash back***
Maria; mom dad? What's happing?!
Marias dad; it's okay sweetie everything is gonna be okay..
Maria mom; maria...no matter what happens..we r always in ur heart..
Maria; what do u mean?...
Maria mom; *puts her in a boat * always be brave for me..*gives a necklace of maria and her parents*
Maria:mom!? Dad!? *hugs them both*
Maria dad: now run maria and don't look back..
Maria: w-what happens if u f-forget m-m-me?
Maria mom : mi hija (my girl) we won't ever forget u..
Maria dad: never now run...*kiss her forehead*
Maria mom;*kiss her cheek and hug her *run to the boat and don't look...
Maria: o-ok *gets in the boat*
Jury; there they r! Kill'em.!!
Maria mom; ..I will always remember u ...maria,.I love u..
Maria dad: and never forget u...
Maria: MOMMY DADDY!!!!!!'-------
I...I realize what I have done...no,,.I can't do that to alexis and yip! I tried to stop leona..but before I knew..she was gone..I felt bad,,I couldn't take it anymore!! I ran to scarf boy house with tears..
Malachi;who r u?
Maria^*change back* Malachi it's me!! Maria!!!
Malachi; !?*hugs her*
Maria; we need to warn yip and alexis Come on!
Malachi :got ya! *runs to the woods*
Maria:*runs with him*
I was at the woods with alexis she was cute I was glad she woke up it was a month ago before she fell in a deep sleep.i hugged her with joy. I kissed her alot and I mean ALOT after that we talked about getting a puppy but..we heard a noise I sniff up and knew it was leona i quickly turned into a wolf and went on top of alexis of alexis (not da wrong way) and protecting her then leona pop out.
Leona: HAHAHA *throws a postion*
Maria;its to late...
After that everything went black...but i woke up in the middle of the woods.. what happened?..
To be continued....
Hey guys sorry I was gone for 2 days bc something happened well anyways I hope u forgive me but IT'S TIME FOR DA DARES I GOT 1 FORM MEH FRIENDS
Rosey; I dare yip to do something to alexis when she asleep
Yip: (0///0) ok...
Alexis; sup
Yip:can I sleep at ur room tonight?
Alexis: sure? What happened?
Yip: gee idk maybe bc if the PAINTING U DRAW.
Alexos: hehe sworry
Yip: it's fine
^^later date night^^
Yip: hehe night
Alexis: night..*sleeps*
Yip:*in mind: this is gonna kill me* (puts knee between her legs and goes up and down slowly*
Alexis: m-mmm..a-ah...
Yip:(0//////0).. *In mind: dam*..
//5 mins later...//
Yip:*feels wet stuff* she didn't....
Yip: eh, *gets up and draws a cute puppy with a marker and runs*
yip:*kiss her* forgive me
Alexis:i will give u 10 secs to run.
Yip: YEP *runs*
Alexis:*hears lots of screaming and crying for help and gun shots*
Everyone:.....0_0....let's not mess with her
Me : hope u enjoyed it and I will see u next time BYE

~A Forgotten Love~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt