the jack daniels theorem

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This is not your average story this is my story; the story of Jack Daniels.

It all began 4 years ago but before I tell my big story I’ll tell you my therom.

4 years earlier…….

I was walking down the street on Saturday for a jog, when a van followed me for half a block.  Two men got my arms and then - in the truck for me. Personally I thought I was a dead man when I heard “ak-47 or my moss12”.  He got one and at that moment I closed my eyes… and nothing… but when I opened them I knew why. All I could say was “Dang!”  There where men with guns every way I looked and the building was at least twenty stories.  But then I saw the Prime Minister.  The guys beside him where built with two guns but I wonder… if this thing is top secret, then why am I here? The Prime Minister asked how I was - which struck me as a surprise because I was just held captive so why would a men of such importance talk to me like I was high ranking.  But before I could say anything, he told me everything.  But all I heard was “blah, blah, blah”… guns. He also explained I’d have no life other then the life of an assassin but I still only heard the word guns and that was the moment my life was messed up forever.

 I agreed to kill for the Organization so from this moment on, no one would ever know that I would be the biggest threat anyone would ever meet. First off they gave me sneaky training which was difficult because I was given a robot and he kept saying “Found you!”,  and I wasn’t even near him and he was always looking the other way but I somehow managed to pass the session and I advanced directly to the last training – Killing!   Feeling no emotion it happened in a split second.  They gave me the gun and I shot the bullet piecing his heart. The only thing that shocked me was I felt nothing not even my conscience saying for me to walk away I was in it now I was an assassin.


                          A new beginning                                                                                      

I didn’t know the man I shot because they kept it confidential which they thought would keep emotion   

Away but then and there I realised no way was I now getting out no escape from this organization which I am now told Is called D.E.A.T.H I was put recon cense missions and killing missions my first was in Russia the man named kasarier flex he was an international associate to America my mission. Assonate him at 12.00 hours no disturbance and no mercy to any soul in my way.  At Russia I immediately went to my destination it was either kill or be killed seeing how much I hated the second option I choose the first. On the first level there where guards everywhere I took out my gun and fired away bang, bang two down three to go. cross fire was every where I almost got hit till I found a table flipped it over and reloaded bam, bam two more down I didn’t regard that when I fired I fired with accuracy a cop couldn’t do. the last guard threw a punch right to my rib it hurt by I was determined to win I pushed him back and I said “hello” delivered a gun shot to his skull but before anything covered the bodies so after I  assonate kasarier I can burn the place make it look like an accidental burning so after no one should trace my steps. Blood everywhere and an assassin in the building I was stopping at nothing for this kill I went into the room and fired three bullets but then looked inside to see kasarier was already dead the guy was stabbed to death I looked in his drawers and his documents where gone all I saw was an machine gun loaded clearly he intended to use it soon. I flew to Canada unhappy. I told boss everything he said “apparently we have competition and to come to base asap but I wondered who would be a competition to a high ranked assassin club?” on my first steps off the plane I immediately was face to face with my friend Jordan wheattle this was his first year in the agency to. He was built he always had a gun with him and he was very tactical. He immediately said boss wants you. I ran so fast that I slipped pass the door I could tell boss was mad he told me about A.L.I.V.E our apparent “competition” that is on our to kill list and went on my next mission but with Jordan this time target: ergo ruiol he was Austrian our mission: kidnap him and kill every person who worked in the building at that time. We had to skydive into the town our drop zone 5 miles from the building. We where loaded with an arsenal with a: shotgun, machinegun, and of course a knife. We traveled by foot an exulting 30 minutes that felt like hours. I entered the building first to a warm welcome. A barrage of bullets I fired back when an RPG (rocket propelled grenade) exploded from behind me Jordan had an RPG witch hit the right spot. Put the enemy in state of terror I took the chance killed every one in sight then I saw a turret was at the top Jordan couldn’t reload fast enough with it being a life or death moment I shot the stupid thing the must’ve not been anyone there because it blew with no return fire. I was starting to like this new beginning.


                          State of destruction

Ergo was in the room as planned we but a bag over his head and started the walk to the rendezvous point it was shorter this time or it just felt much shorter because we got him. We would bring him back to interrogate ergo on something classified so to keep me busy he put me in a helicopter and told me to destroy the town called Maine, u.s.a. I climbed in the helicopter and it had built in gun, RPG, and the 2 ton bomb load for a quick get away I never knew it then but that would the last agency helicopter ride. We got to Maine surprisingly fast but still at night, I started the barrage guns blared to life the town was getting blown. I fired up the RPG when BOM, BOM, BOM anti-aircraft fire what the heck I asked the pilot he said

 What the - BANG nooooo. The pilot got killed but then I realized this was the war of dumb and dumber I was-


                          The rebellion                              

I awoke at the agency. On the other bed was the pilot, blood and all. After I got out of the hospital I grouped about 30, 40 heck maybe fifty people and created H.E.L.L.V.E.N a place in between the organizations to shut them down and to wreak havoc. Our HQ the old warehouse some real good guys where here but the thought that we all might die in the end haunted me. War didn’t take long to start not even the first day passed before we planned our assault. The plan involved me, Jordan, and jack. I would cause a diversion then jack and Jordan would proceed to the second floor the main data receiver get infiltration data and also the main key don’t get killed. Before we got to alpha destination point I reminded the guys. Death is a vengeance but life is a virtue. 

the jack daniels theoremWhere stories live. Discover now