run and gun

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                                         Collateral damage

We got out of the car and saw the building that not to long ago we worshipped and still we had the

intent to go in there and go all Rambo on them. We knew it was not going to be easy considering

they wanted our heads but we were on a mission dead or alive we had to fight back or at least we

had thought that was the answer all  along but I will get to that later.  Anyway when we were in the

building I set a barrage of bullets at a security camera and sure as hell they attacked me well

Jordan and jack ran like hell to the data mainframe well I stayed and fought for my life I had one

gun a compact mac-11 and they had multiple guns I didn’t know there names but at the moment I

wasn’t so set on figuring that out. It was easy to fight at the moment because I had easy cover they

didn’t but my intent wasn’t to kill them it was to wait for Jordan and jack and get the hell out. they

were still held up at the mainframe for some darn reason I can’t remember it was either the

computer or some damn guards but they did not get to the rendezvous on time so the car was still

out in the open I had no ammo and only one knife and they thought it was okay to be ten minutes

late other than the reason that I might die here with no more ammunition I at least want a fighting

chance so it was either in the sound of bullets or the sight of Jordan and jack that put me into an

adrenal push that I turned out running like hell towards the car Jordan and I got out but at the last

moment he got shot in the head by a sniper “OH HELL” is all I could say when we got in the car and

drove away. my friend had just been shot in the head by a sniper right in front of my eyes that piece

of crap director of this D.E.A.T.H thing that thinks he can beat the crap out of everybody and

everything around him well I was sure as hell not going to stand around and let him do this to my

team I had a decision to make and it was a big one but at the end I think I made the correct

decision I told the guys my decision and they were not to happy about it but we needed more men

and we had no way of advertising for anyone to join the group I am leading but we can’t put on a

sign “sign up to be one  of the worlds best killers here” first off the authorities would not approve of it

and it would be a huge calling card to the enemy who we are currently trying to hide from until we

can wage an attack with more than 50 men so I told the men” we have decided to form an alliance

with D.E.A.T.H’s nemesis A.L.I.V.E. well let me tell you they hated my idea of democracy with at

least one group who has not turned on us they knew though day by fruitless day we had chances

that surely were going straight into anarchy when Matthew Olsen erupted from the crowd and yelled

out “we will fight anyway we will win anyway at the end who cares who’s team were aligned with in

the all the same we will give them hell”.  At that moment the crowd stood silent then erupted with a

blast of joy and triumph! They then chanted the single greatest words ever crafted “give them hell,

give them hell” when 50 men chanted with such spirit it felt like a thousand men; chanting for a

belief, chanting for greatness, chanting with courage for a stand more than that rebellion!  That night

as we joined for supper it was quiet again the courage seemed to have fled from the hearts of these

men who in the previous hours could have taken down cities because of there courage and spirit

not that of strength from the numbers that the enemy that of the strength were religions have faith of

victory now sitting here I feel like one of the merry men who fight for robin hood because for now we

had no spirit, no good food, and no more then 50 men frankly we were doomed unless this alliance

went down without a single attack bursting out that would be a great milestone but almost as

unbelievable as Santa Claus at this moment. Some say it is stupid to fight for a pointless cause well

when we went to the algid hideout of this team and they were the mascots of fighting for a pointless

cause all they did in there realm of stupidity was fight and at the moment D.E.A.T.H was looking like

a cheer squad that is when this whole coming to this place of no democracy made us feel more

weak than before the rebellion so I was glad when behind me were my 50 men with weapons

locked and loaded only if a peace treaty failed though which was almost irrelevant at the moment.

There was only one way to the director’s office and that was through an elevator colder than the

feelings emanating from the men on the out side. After three trips up because of the amount of

people we had I went in and so did Robert he was an enforcer and he never left anyone cause of

fear but he proved less then fruitful in this particular point we had a conversation I gave a

proposition he spat in my face until I told him he could wage his revenge on D.E.A.T.H then he said

“what do we get in return for helping you with all my men” “his head” I exclaimed he apparently

liked that thought and he let us go with all 4300men of his and wage a declaration of warfare and I

know you want his name but I couldn’t even see his face needless his name we want democracy

but he said he would kill us dead there if no war was waged (he has bad grammar needless to say)

and so we listened to him well at least he thought we had already started war but that mainframe

data gave us the upper hand unless they ran an digital trace and are outside our door which luckily

did not happen at the moment but little did I know more people where in this war and deadly ones too.

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