Sanctuary (Seraph of the End- Mikayuu) [Flower Shop AU]

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A/N: The idea for a flower shop AU was actually the theme for one of the contests by contest_fun (a super fun contest account and I'm not just saying that because I'm part of it ahahaha). When we came up with the prompt I was really excited about it, even knowing I couldn't enter the contest myself, so I decided to write my own super gay oneshot just for shits and giggles. There are some OOC moments and plot holes and whatnot, the contest is long over, and this took me *forever* to write (and then to type up), but I hope you enjoy anyway

The first time Yuu set foot in the flower shop, it was completely by chance- or by fate, perhaps. Maybe a little of both. It was a small shop, empty of customers in that moment, and as Yuu stepped in a bell above the door tinkled and a boy about his age turned to look at him from behind the counter.

"Hi, how can I help you?" he asked. His smile was welcoming, his eyes as warm and blue as the summer sky, and at that moment Yuu fell just a little bit in love with him.

Not that he ever would've admitted it.

"I'm just looking for a gift for someone," Yuu said, waving him off dismissively, looking around the shop. The windows stretched over almost the entire wall, framing the pots and bouquets of flowers in the dying afternoon light. "Damn, pretty nice place you've got here," Yuu added. The boy laughed, and Yuu couldn't help the silly grin that spread across his face. 

"Thank you. My mother and I own this place," the blue-eyed boy answered, still smiling in that infectious way, "You could say she's the manager and I'm the only employee."

Yuu hummed, then continued looking around. Randomly, he picked out a bouquet and brought it to the checkout counter, digging around in his pocket for his wallet. As the boy scanned his purchase, Yuu looked at his name tag. Mikaela, it read. He glanced up, and as if noticing Yuu noticing it, said, "You can call me Mika. What's your name?"

"Yuu," Yuu replied, almost shocked at himself. Nobody but Guren, his adoptive father, and his close friends called him that. Something about this stranger made Yuu trust him implicitly.

"So, Yuu," Mika said, smile small and almost shy as he glanced at Yuu, as if waiting for his approval. Yuu, who had never before been so flustered by a stranger, just nodded slightly. "That brings your total up to $18.50. If this is a gift, we can have it delivered."

"It's for my adoptive father," Yuu explained haltingly, "For father's day. I can just bring it to him myself."

Mika's smile turned coy; teasing. "Flowers? Aren't you afraid of hurting his masculinity?" 

"Shut up!" Yuu retorted, flushing, "I just paid you for these damn flowers, aren't you supposed to act grateful?" He turned to leave, feeling like a fool, but Mika called after him.

"Wait, Yuu! I'm sorry. I shouldn't have teased you." Yuu turned back. Mika was no longer smiling, but his eyes still held that same warmth. "Hold out your hand." Slowly, Yuu complied, a suspicious crease between his eyebrows. Mika gently placed a flower in his hand, fingers brushing lightly over Yuu's. "You can have one for free, as an apology."

"Well. Thanks. I guess." Yuu's voice sounded gruff and awkward, even to his own ears. 

"Hope you drop by again sometime!" Mika said, once again smiling, and something in his tone sounded almost flirtatious.

"Yeah, maybe," Yuu allowed, walking out of the store. Then, he had no intention of coming back. The things Mika did to his head were far outside his comfort zone.

The second time Yuu went to the flower shop was not of his own volition- Shinoa practically dragged him inside under the pretense of finding the perfect centerpiece for her kitchen table, but most likely more because she got a kick out of Yuu's reluctance.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2016 ⏰

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