Two Guys in One Night

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Riele's POV

"All of your friends have been here for too long
They must be waiting for you to move on
Girl, I'm not with it I'm way too far gone
I'm not ready, eyes heavy now
Heart on your sleeve like you've never been loved
Running in circles, now look what you've done
Give you my word as you take it and run
Wish you'd let me stay, I'm ready now!!" Ella singed very loudly to Friends by Chase Atlantic while jumping up and down her bed

"ELLLLAA!" I groan trying to get her attention for the fifth time

"Dear lord, what is Riele!?!" Ella snapped turning off the music

"We weren't finish talking."

"Ughhh." She groaned getting off her bed "We've been talking about this for 15 minutes!"


"And it's obvious Jace kissed you and you kissed him back. You both like each other and we're done here." Ella smiled sitting down on her wheelchair at her desk

"Ughh and I really don't want to like him. I mean me and him are two basically totally different people." I wined flopping on her bed

She just sigh and rolled her eyes "How come every time you and Jace kiss or something happens I'm the first person you come complaining to?"

"Should I recall that on the first day I met you and before you even knew Jace you already wanted me and him to be together." I said

"Fair point." She laughs

"And also his ex is here, so I don't think he's gonna wanna come here." I stated also "Also where is Isabela, I mean every time I come in here she never around."

"Probably somewhere letting guys get in her pants. I mean ever since she cheated on Jace she's been gone like my love life."

I chuckled at what Ella just said

"Do you have any plans tonight?" I asked her while bringing a pillow to my chest

"Nope." She says opening her MacBook

"Good because I have absolutely nothing to do and I don't wanna go to my dorm cause of Jace and even if I do go back I'm gonna be alone cause he's going to Olivia's party in like 15 minutes." I sigh and buried my face in the pillow

Ella face shot up from her MacBook screen "Holy shìt I totally forgot her party!" Ella yelled before running to her closet

"Ugh your going?" I lifted my head up

"Yeah didn't she invited you?"

"Yeah but I said no, remember what happened the last time we went to a party. We couldn't even remember what happened." I stated

"Then don't drink anything." She said grabbing two sparkly dress. Expect one was spaghetti strap and the other one was long sleeves

"Are you trying to make us look like disco balls?" I chuckle

"I think this one will look good on you." She smiled giving me the spaghetti strap one

"Uh no thanks." I threw it back on the bed "That literally looks like it only covers 1% of your chest."

"So?" Ella asked like it was no big deal

"I'm not going to a party looking like a open sex bar." I stated

"Fine wear the long sleeves and I'll wear the spaghetti strap." She gives me the long sleeves one

"Maybe you'll actually get someone tonight." I joked

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