Happy Birthday Y/n

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A/n: This is my first one shot of Young justice that I've published, so please bare with my if it sucks! Here's a reference for a request! Actually I suck at trying to figure out what you need to make a request, so put anything you want me to know. I'll be sure to add it in, but here anyways! Add what you wish to it! ;P

Name: (Optional) Could be an X reader too!

Age: (Optional)

Superpower: (Optional)

Superhero name: 

Description of character:


--------------------------------------------------------------------I'm just gonna- Yeah....

"What?" You screamed into your phone, no longer caring who was around as you made your way though the parking lot. Your best friend in the whole wide world had just called to cancel on your plans for the day after making you wait for 3 hours.

It was your birthday, your step mother was partying it up in South america, your dad was on a business trip, and that left you with your best friend b/f/n, who had you wait for 3-4 hours, before calling to tell you she wasn't going to make it.

"But you promised!" You whined, stomping your foot. It was already a pretty stressful day for you, but this crossed the line.

"I know, I promised and all that, but guess what? Thomas is taking me to a beautiful beach In Florida!" She cheered, and your face converted to a look of pure anger. She cancelled your plans to go reunite herself with a guy who cheated on her with her rivals in her fashion business?

"Wow. Thanks. Standing me up for some guy who just cheated on you with 2 other girls, and he's suddenly your first priority? Come on! It's my birthday! You promised me! And I have no one else! We'll find you a better guy! Who won't cheat on you like Thomas will!" You begged but she seemed to have taken this the wrong way.

She always did.

"Excuse me? Thomas, is the best boyfriend and I love him like he loves me! And I'm not ditching him for your pity birthday party!" She yelled, and you took the phone away from your ear, squeezing it as hard as you can. 

"So if you need me, I'll be on a honeymoon with MY boyfriend, In flor-" CRUNCH!

You threw your phone on the floor, the glass breaking into pieces, but you didn't care. You screamed as you stomped on it as hard as your converses could, not stopping until part of your rage was out. And until the phone couldn't be broken anymore.

You breathed heavily, running your hands through your long/Short (Color) Hair. Your best friend? Ditch you? On your birthday? That just made you want to-

"Ugh! I hate my life!" You yelled, not even caring that Nightwing was running towards you- Wait what?

" Excuse me Ma'm, but-"

"Ma'm? I'm not even 27 yet. Just call me (L/n)." You said, and he nodded.

"Alright then. (L/n), have you seen a man running around here? Tan skin, tall, Bald?" He asked, but you weren't focusing on him- exactly. It was more of his abs. (B/f/n) Was right. He really was ripped. He waved a hand in your face.

"Hello?" He asked, which snapped you out of your thoughts, and turned your face crimson red. You shook your head.

"N-no. No one's here but me. I think." You said, staring at him this time. His white eyes turned skeptical, before he nodded again.

" Okay. Thank you for your time." He said, in the politest way possible, then ran off in the other direction. You sighed, half because of him, and half because of your fight with your best friend. 

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