Laces - Heartrate

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have some heartrate for your day, everyone. <3 

Alix Kubdel hated Kim.

She didn't know exactly why.

Maybe it was his annoying bleached quiff, his boastful attitude, the way he always, always, set her dares he believed he would win, or the constant teasing about her height.

So let's just say - she was certainly surprised - if, of course, annoyed as well, when he approached her after school one day, calling her name as he plonked down beside her. Unfortunately for him, this only worsened Alix's decidedly stormy mood. 

He didn't get a chance to speak before the short (but super cute) girl, whom he'd nicknamed 'Tinkerbell'  was onto the case. "What the hell do you want, Kim?" she snapped, not bothering to look up from the laces she was currently tying. "If it's another one of your stupid dares, I'm not interested." 

The boy shifted uncomfortably next to her, watching her as she finished the knot and doubled it as an extra precaution. "Yeah, well lucky for you it isn't, although I'm sure you'd want it to be," he countered with a smirk. 

Alix only narrowed her eyes at him before getting up, shifting her focus from her shoelaces (of which she had only tied one of) to the guy she was now finally taller than. Now, she felt like she had more control of the situation she'd gotten into. 

"Oh look; you're finally taller than me," he teased, wearing that dazzling smile which would capture any normal girls heart. But, Alix knew better than to fall culprit for that - instead choosing to purse her lips and sigh through her nose. 

(But maybe if she didn't hate him as much, she would contradict her own statement and fall for those sparkly whites anyway.

She blamed that statement on hormones and not having breakfast that morning.)

"Look, I'm not up for this today. Leave me alone," she managed to spit out as calmly as possible. Turning on her heel she began to stomp off, not wanting to enter into any further discussion to do with... anything, when it involved him. However, in a split second Kim's arm had reached out and his hand wrapped around hers, halting her unexpectedly. 

Dammit Alix; not fast enough. 

"Kubdel, calm down." 

"No. Let. Go. Of. Me. Kim," she growled through gritted teeth, turning her head to meet his grey eyes with a scowl.

"No." His answer infuriated and frustrated Alix. "Not until you wait and answer my question."

"You haven't asked a question?" 

Dammit Kim, you messed up before you started. "Well, I was planning to, but you seem like you'd prefer to march away instead."

That, I would. Alix huffed. "Well hurry up and ask your question then. I don't have all day."

Kim cleared his throat, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly as he looked up at Alix. She seemed so much taller from ground level than from his usual height. Her pink locks, highlighted by the slowly setting sun, only accentuated her electric blue eyes, - and an aura of confidence surrounded her.  He gulped, diverting his drifting thoughts to the task in hand. 

"Since when did you start hating me?"

She snorted. "Since always."

"But why?" he queried.

She scuffed the tip of her shoe on the ground. "I don't know. Why do you need to know?"

"Because I'm curious."

"Curiousity killed the cat, Kim."

"But it won't kill this cat," he announced, puffing up his chest and smirking. Alix just huffed and glared at him, unimpressed. 

"So, is that all you needed to know? I've gotta get going," she asked, checking her watch oh-so-casually.

"Ye- well, I actually wanted to ask you something else."

"Hurry up then."

Kim ran his free hand through his hair nervously. Here we go. "I-I was wondering, if you'd like to be friends?" He asked, looking up at her awkwardly.

The pinkette could only look down before dissolving into laughter. "Friends? Now, that's a first."

Looks like I'm not even welcome in the friendzone. Kim's stature deflated, and he took a sudden interest in his shoes. "Wait till everyone gets a load of this!" echoed Chloe's voice in his mind, reminding him once of again of that fateful Valentine's Day.

(He never should've gone after that spiteful brat. In all honestly, it probably ruined his whole future love life. 

That didn't mean he was going to give up on Tinkerbell, though.)

But his eyes diverted from his sneakers to Alix as she stopped laughing, instead looking at him curiously. "So, any particular reason for this spontaneous ask of friendship?" She asked, raising an eyebrow in amusement and intrigue.

He shoved his free hand inside his pocket. "Well, you have no reason to hate me, I recall," he stated with a smirk.

"And if I don't want to be friends?"

"Then it's your loss for not having such an awesome friend like me."

Alix was silent for a minute, contemplating her choices. Would it really be that bad, being friends with Kim? She didn't really have a 'group' to hang with unlike most others in the class, and it'd be cool to chat about athletics with someone who knew more about it than she probably did. But then again, she didn't want to be subject to even more dares to prove her superiority over him. 

2 against 1. 

"You have one chance. So don't waste it, ok?" 

Kim only smirked. "Of course I won't."

"Uh, I best be going then. See you tomorrow, Kim." She turned to go, but for the second time today was halted by Kim's hand around hers. This time, the boy beat her to speak. 

"I think you forgot something." Still sitting on the concrete steps of the school, he leaned over and tied up her undone shoelace, doubling the knot just like she'd done moments earlier. Sitting back and absent-mindlessly smiling in satisfaction, he announced "Voila.  Now, you're ready go.''

Alix looked in awe at the perfect knot. "I didn't know you could tie a lace with one hand."

"Just goes to show how awesome I am."

"Sure, sure." She rolled her eyes in a playful (and to Kim, cute) manner. "Well, I guess I'll be seeing you tomorrow. See you later, Hercules!" she chirped.

And with Kim's grip on her hand loosened, she was gone - her roller blades barely making a noise as her small figure quickly became a silhouette, and soon disappearing completely as she turned the corner. 

It took Max finally emerging from behind a post and poking him multiple times for him to snap out of his daze. 


The brainiac adjusted his glasses and sighed. Lovesick Kim was not someone he wanted to deal with right now - and he had a date with Sabrina this evening to prepare for. "Yeah?"

"Did Alix Kubdel just call me Hercules? Because damn," the athlete whistled lowly, "Impressing that girl is one hell of an achievement. Speaking of which, do you think she'll mind if I call her Tinkerbell? It suits her, right?"

Max just smiled. 

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