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Guys! I don't know much about this PTX fanfic award, but it'd mean the world y'all gave me a vote :).

"You shouldn't be here." He says, looking down. "It's not a good idea." I shake my head.

"You want me to leave?" I ask. Silence. "Then tell me. Tell me to leave. I want to hear you say it yourself."

"I can't." He says, almost to the point of a whisper.


"Because I'd be lying." He says. I didn't know how to respond, only look to the floor. I don't know why I was here myself to be quite honest. I barely remember how he took me here the first time, only my steps when I left the morning after. Something was telling me to be here and I don't know what. I didn't even know if he'd be here for sure.

It wasn't that much different from Drakes Den. It was dark inside, full of white, and a place that Scott seemed to go for peace and quiet. It was almost exactly the same except the location.

"Mitchell, what are we doing?" He asks. I cringe at the name.

"Please don't call me that." I say. "It's just Mitch." He nods. "And what do you mean?"

"You confuse me." He says, still being unable to make eye contact with me.

"No." I say. He finally looks up. "I can't confuse you because you confuse me."

"How the fuck do I confuse you?" He snaps. Here we go again. More yelling and arguing.

"Because, Scott. The first time we talked you didn't even care that I touched you. Then minutes later you told me to stop talking to you and then you were calling me a kid and immature. The next day you comforted me." He shakes his head.

"I'd comfort anyone."

"Really? You'd walk up to any Normal and pick them up and carry them to some secret basement you know of? Yeah, that's called making a death wish!"

"But you aren't 'any Normal', Mitch!" He yells. I knew where this was going and I wasn't in the mood to hear him call me a Different. "You are far from just anyone." That wasn't the direction I thought this would lead in. I was unaware of what to say. "You scare me."


"The way you talk. You are so strange! You're definitely not a Normal, but boy you aren't a Different either." He says.

"I don't get what you are saying. If I'm not a Normal, I'm a Different. That's how it works. The way you categorize things doesn't matter in this society."

"Do you have your life planned out yet?" I was beyond confused. What relevance did this have to what we were talking about? "Mitch?"

"No. I don't." He shakes his head.

"Good. Dont find a girl before you turn 20. Trust me. Do what I didn't do, okay?"

"What did you do?"

"I didn't have someone protecting me and giving me advice like you do." I nod. "I fell in love too early."

"What? That doesn't make any sense. They want us to fall in love. What is wrong falling in love early?"

"I touched them and they touched me way too early. You know that's against the rules."

"Don't you get warnings?"

"Not with two guys." He whispers. "I'm so afraid you will do what I did. I fell for a guy. He is gone now."

"Why would I fall for a guy?"

"Can you honestly look me in the eye and tell me you don't feel nervous beyond your mind when you're around me? That everything you say is wrong and you want to be as perfect as you can? You want to impress me, make me like you even if you are confused if you like me or not."

"I like girls."

"Bull shit."

"Why do you think you know everything? You don't. You did the wrong thing. Why should I listen to you?"

"Because! If I did it wrong, someone has to do it right. I dealt with the same situation as you, but I'm teaching you how to do it the right way. Don't fall in love with me."

"I don't even like guys! You can't put words in my mouth."

"Why did you hug me when we were arguing in the instruction hall?" I didn't know what to say. "And help me up the first time you saw me. You touched me before even saying anything to me. You let me carry you here and hug you all night long. And you are going to tell me you like girls? What have you done with girls?"

"The same thing I've done with you." I say.

"What. Christine? You don't love her."

"It's Kirstie, jackass, and I know that." I snap. "She doesn't love me either."

"Because she knows, Mitch. Ask her."

"I know she fucking knows, okay! God damn! Why the fuck are you trying to ruin me? I'm holding onto this because it was the last fucking part of me being a Normal, but now I don't even have that!" I throw my hand over my mouth and drop my head. I could feel myself crying and didn't care what Scott saw of me. "Stop trying to tell me I'm in love with you. I'm not." I choke out.

"You're scared." He points out.

"More than you could imagine."

"I am too." He says. "Because all the emotions and confusion you feel for me, I feel for you. And I'm trying to stop myself from falling for you as well."

"Stop! We both don't love each other! We don't! Stop talking like that! We don't have to stop ourselves from anything because I don't love you, I can't love you!" I could feel him walk closer to me.

"Can I hug you?" I didn't say anything. "I'm just going to hug you now." I still keep my mouth shut. I feel his arms around me. "Stay true to yourself, Mitch. Don't lie."

"Shut the fuck up." I snap, throwing his hands off of me. "Don't ever tell me that. You aren't Drake! You will never be Drake!" He takes a step back. I could feel my mind spinning in all different directions, what was happening right now? Everything was fuzzy and I was now dizzy. I fall to my knees. "Please help me." I whisper. His arms come around me again. I feel myself fall into his arms.

I don't know what else happened that night, only that I fell asleep in the horrible state I was in.

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