Chapter 30

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"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea in the first place," Chloe says when I park my cycle in front of the Frosty Palace, "I mean, what if someone sees and thinks we're, I don't know, together or something?"

"No one comes here anyways!" I say, pulling her inside, "Look, it's practically empty."

"I don't know..."

"Remember two months ago where we could go out and eat without it being weird? Why can't it just be like that?" I ask her, leading her to an empty booth.

"Because, Louis," She whispers harshly, "We slept together."

"So? It was just... Just a friendly gesture," I stumble over my words.

"A friendly gesture?!" She exclaims, "Do you think Sharon would think it's a friendly gesture?! No. She wouldn't."


"Louis, I feel so guilty. I can't look at her without feeling like I betrayed her," She sighs, resting her chin on her hands.


"Don't you feel just a speck of guilt?"

"Yes, I do. But I can't tell her."

"Yo, DiMucci!" Rhonda's voice calls out from behind us.

"What...?" I spin around. Where the hell is that coming from?

I spot Rhonda standing in front of the door, waving, with Johnny beside her.

"Fuck," Chloe curses under her breath.

"Hello," Rhonda runs towards us, her heels clicking, then slides into the booth beside me.

Johnny casually sits beside Chloe.

"What's this? A date or somethin'?" Johnny chews his gum loudly.

"No!" Chloe and I both shout a little too quickly.

"Um, no-"

"We just-"

"Hanging out-"

"Nothing weird-"

"Friends," We both finish.

Rhonda raises an eyebrow, "Chloe, can I talk to you? Privately?"

"Um, sure," Johnny stands up to let Chloe out and I watch her head towards the ladies' room.

"What's goin' on?"

"Huh?" I ask, "Whaddaya mean?"

"What do I - hah!" He scoffs, then makes a circular hand gesture, "This! This is what I mean!"


"If I didn't know any better, I'd think this was a date!"

"What? Me and Chloe?" I fake a laugh, "That's a good one, Johnny. We're just friends."

"You're lying," Johnny studies my face, "But anyways, that's why Rhonda and I are here."

"For what? An invention?"

"Yes. We are having an intervention because you two have been too close for comfort lately. What even happened after the bowling alley?"



"I swear," I cross my hand over my heart, "Nothing happened."

"No... no, something must've happened because you've been staring at her butt more than normal."

"More than normal? Since when do I stare at her butt?!"

"Since you met."

"Whatever, Johnny. You're just making things up."

"I see it wit' my own two eyesballs!" Johnny points at his eyes, "Don't think I'm the only who has noticed either."

"You are illusional."

"Look, no need to get defensive," He raises his hands in surrender, "I'm just saying that you two better watch out."

"Watch out from what?"

"You know how this will end! Someone will find out, then Sharon will get mad at both of you, and then the group will be torn apart."

"That's not going to happen. And besides, Chloe and I are nothing.""l

"Uh huh..."

"Whatever, if you don't believe me then fine. I'll just-"

"Hey, Lou!" Rhonda shouts.

I spin around and see Rhonda pulling Chloe towards the door, the loud taps of her shoes echoing throughout the restaurant.

"Wait, where are you -"

"Sorry, Mooch, we gotta split!" Rhonda waves her hand and Chloe gives me a look of apology before being yanked outside.

"Where the hell is she going...?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2013 ⏰

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1961 // louis dimucciWhere stories live. Discover now