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Fire, my love. You've ruined me, you've done it once again and I don't think this time was an accident.

Saturn will hear about it later, I promise. But this game you keep playing with me, Fire, its not funny. Even Saturn knows how you make me. I have this fucked up way of trying to replace you, I did it with shithead and I broke up with shithead to try to do it with Saturn. And even when me and Saturn had our little nine hours of attraction we both agreed that it you, Fire, or pretty boy came back to us we couldn't get upset at the other for going back.

I am so drawn to Saturn its unreal. Its equal to how drawn I was to you. But, I have yet to figure out everything about this girl. But I hope too soon. The funny thing about my attraction to saturn is the attraction I have to her brother, Cannabis. Together Saturn and Cannabis have gotten my attention to a point where I just wanna be with both of them constantly, but unfortunately, that's not a possibility. Cannabis already has someone to call princess.

Were off topic. This is about you, driving me wild to a point I am slightly animalistic towards you. Emotionally, at the least.

Fire you have to stop, I don't want to go on with you as just friends if you continue hurting me Fire. I love you unconditionally, and I want to tell you oh so bad but I'm unable to in fear that you will block me again.

Looks like I'm just a prey in love with her predator. Pathetic huh?

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