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"Now for our next news, we bring the unfortunate story of two lovers--"

"--this tragedy has bought
The interest of many. "

"A 20 year old male collage student was found dead over a female student who were testified to be 'lovers' by the other students in the school."

"Two students from the 'M' Collage were found in the early morning in ashes from a abandoned wooden house. Unfortunately, the shack located in the middle of the mountains was found too late for one student to survive."

"It seems that the male student was protecting his lover who was found right before death. She was found with burn marks and oil all over her body. The male student, by covering her body with himself, kept her from death."

"Police have found a journal which seems to be written by the male student, which confesses his love for the female student. They have decided to call this case the 'Romeo and Juliet' case. They have found the person who is behind this tragedy, and now he is under arrest and currently going through investigation."

"The female student is currently healing at the 'Y' hospital; Doctors say that she has miraculously no severe burn marks, and she will be able to live her life without any hardships after she heals."


"... Just 2 days after the 'Romeo and Juliet' case, the female student from the case was found to have taken her own life only 3 hours after waking up in the hospital leaving one small note that states-

'You fool. I can't live without you either.'

...reporting from YTM news,--"

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