My name is Bob Cheese. I live inside a large cucumber. My best friend is Broccoli Darnit. Broccoli and I were best friends till broccoli decided to dip his ruffles into my girlfriend Mozzarella Aragano. This is the story of how I found out.
I walked into my cucumber one summery afternoon in the kitchen. The sun was streaming in through my lettuce blinds, as I walked down the hall. On one wall was the gigantic portait of my mother the attourney general and father the Cheeseburger Mayor. I heard a stange nosie coming from the living room.
"Oh Broccoli your ruffles are so nice." It was a female voice one that i was quite familiar with. Mozzarella.
"Thanks Mozzie. I do them nice just for you." Broccoli replied. I walked closer to the living room and could see the shadows of Broccoli and Mozzarella sitting on MY couch.
I can see Broccoli move closer to MY girlfriend in the shadows of the floor. I let out a gut wrenching scream and then I see the celing before everything goes black.
Hello I am MC (MajorCheese)
I hope you enjoyed this little story of mine. I doubt there will be more...... so yeah VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!