Chapter 7

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*Skipping next period because nothing happens*

Sent at 7:38

M: Hey I see you

J: Stalker

M: Look to your right

J: That's a wall, Maddie

M: Your other right, idiot


M: Jfc hi

J: Why are we texting

M: Idk

J: K bye

M: Lmao

Read at 7:40

*Some time goes by*

M: Stop reading that book

M: Look at your phoneeeeee

M: Jeremy I will spam you until you love me

J: Wtf

M: Now that I have your attention, what are we supposed to be doing?

J: Idk ask someone who cares

M: Jeremy I will tell Sarah you like her

J: But I don't....?

M: Exactly

J: Just read from pages 35-42 in that science book

M: Okie dokie

J: Bye

M: Bye bye

Read at 7:46
I haven't heard from Sarah in a whi- oh yeah. I got her phone taken away.... Oops. Well, at least it's almost lunch.

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