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Once there was a girl named Maddison gangsta. She had blonde hair that stopped a little below her shoulders, and bright blue eyes. Her wardrobe was flawless. Her outfit normally consists of purple pair of skinny jeans with a yellow oversized sweatshirt with two large gold chains. Oh, and I forgot the Jordan's. No I'm just kidding. That's not how Maddie dresses. Maddie normally wears some regular skinny jeans , some type of top, and some cute shoes. Maddie has no idea what type of adventure is in store for her.

Maddies POV

I wake up in my pink room. I see that my dog , Ellie, is in my closet again, this time stuck because some how she shut the door. I hear her wimper so I get up and let her out. I go out of my room and into my kitchen to eat a bagel with cream cheese and microwaveable sausage. The pepper lights around the microwave cart holding my hermit crab tank are majestic. I don't know what this Has to do with the story , but it's true. I grab my baby head salt shaker and shake some salt in my hand, then eat it. My brother often gets flabbergasted when I do that, but it's a habit , I can't stop. I realize I forgot the syrup for my sausage , so I have to get up and get it. After I chow my breakfast down, I throw the paper plate I was eating from away, and wash my fork and glass. I grab my computer and head to the den. I play the Sims 4 , but I get interrupted by a knock on my door. I grunt as I get off the couch, then I answer the door. When I open it , my cat turd runs into the house , and there is a purple box on my doorstep. I grab the box , then shut the door. It's addressed to me. I grab a pair of scissors and open the box. Inside I find a note on notebook paper and a pink rock. The note reads,

Maddie ,
The Rock in the box is a very special rock. It has...... Powers. The thing is , we don't know how to control them. We want you to figure out how to contain them, and then you can return it to the fairy garden in your front yard.
- the fairies.

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