
24 1 11

tagged by FanfictionQueen123  ^-^
(this is a question and answer tag)
Q#?:question nuumber ???
Q#1-Favorite song
A-i would say....THE ZOMBIE SONG BY STEPHANIE MABEY(sorry just love it)🎤
Q#2-Favorite sport
A-i have none since im not really a sporty kind of person ^-^"😅
Q#3-Favorite band
A-i would say fall out boy but i have other ones too🙂
Q#4-Favorite show
A-none(since i dont really use the TV that much)😕
#################################Q#5-Favorite music
A-Nightcore(as you could see)🎧
Q#6-Favorite color
A-my favorite is the color red 🙂
Q#7-Favorite food
A-ice cream!!🍦😙🍦
Q#8-Favorite drink
A-Water (i don't drink soda that much)
Q#9-Favorite video game
A-Pokemon ranger(my hand felt numb after playing it for two hours drawing loops 😣)
that is the last question and now i tag...
panda999cute >:3
Maxineguerra >:3
LionTurtle321 >:3
Anime_fox18 >:3
      YOUR IT!!!

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