I Don't Want To Leave You

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Thank you everyone who has supported this book and voted/read/commented. You don't know how much that means to me. I hope you enjoy this chapter. I decided to save the grey's anatomy chapter for the next chapter cause I reached a good stopping point that I think you'll enjoy!

Ravens POV

It was as if time itself had stopped. I put a hand on my stomach, feeling the red hot liquid ooze out of me. My mind was racing, trying to decipher what had just happened. Was this my reality?

My legs became limp, as I fell to my knees. I prayed to Azar with some hope that my baby was still alive, that she had survived this tragedy.

The cloaked girl stood to her feet, her eyes changing to a now gentle blue. She looked at me with some form of remorse, before running away on small blocks of ice. I watched her slip away, as my vision began to cloud.

Gar's voice rang through my ears with worry and anger evident in his tone. His hands slid across the gravel making the rocks shift beneath him. I couldn't help but think about the life in my stomach that I might have killed. I took my hand off my belly to reveal a large, painful stab wound.

The pain of the stab wound quickly set in. My mid section began to burn and ache, as my clothes became even more red by the minute. I pressed my forearm against my stomach trying to calm the pain, even though I knew nothing would help.

Garfield grabbed my arm as I began to cry and groan. He held me in his arms, looking at me with sorrow and worry.
"E..everything is going to be alright. O..okay?" He stuttered a few times, trying to put me at ease with our situation. My eyes began to close as I fell between consciousness and sleep.

"Don't close your eyes, you need to stay awake okay. I..I'm going to get Nightwing ." He gently laid my head on the ground before racing away to tend to Nightwing. I looked up at the night sky wondering if my soul would soon drift away. My eyes started to shut again, but I tried my best to stay awake.

I heard the boys yelling about cars and bikes as my consciousness began to fade, but I only had one thing on my mind. The talking was replaced with the sound of my husband's feet grinding against the gravel beneath us.

"Honey, honey I'm here. Don't close your eyes okay." My husband lifted me onto his lap. He looked at me with tears in his eyes. I shifted to meet his gaze, tears and blood streaming down my face. I lifted my hand shakily to his face and whipped away his tears.

"P..please d..don't cry," my trembling voice only made him tear up. I looked into his sad eyes and realized we might not make it out of our situation. My eyes burned as steamy hot tears dripped onto the grey hoodie I was wearing.

"H-how'd you get here? Did you use the car or your powers?" I looked up at him  and moved my mouth, but nothing came out. I started choking on air, as my breaths became shorter and faster. My husbands eyes went wide, he was in a state of complete panic.

Gar lifted me up slowly and pulled off my sweat shirt, revealing the clothes I was wearing earlier. He laid me back on his lap and began to ball up the blood stained sweat shirt. Garfield took the now folded hoodie and pressed it on the gaping hole in my stomach. This eased the bleeding, but it didn't fix the fact I wasn't getting any air to my lungs.

My hyperventilation got worse, my throat burned and my chest ached.
"Hey, look at me. Your okay. It's okay. You have to stay calm. Everything is okay. Just breath in.. and out. In.. and out." His speech was rushed, yet soothing at the same time. He took a deep breath and looked into my eyes. My breathing had slowed down, but it still hadn't returned to its normal state.

"Honey, now I need you to tell me how you got here." He pressed harder on the now drenched sweat shirt.

"C..car," I choked.

"Now, where did you park the car?" I slowly lifted my arm and pointed in the direction of my car. Nightwings voice soon rang through the air.

"Starfire is awake and she's gathering cyborgs parts to go home. How's Raven holding up?" He yelled while making his way over. I looked up at him and groaned. Gar shook his head in response to Nightwing.

"We're going to go to the car, drive to the hospital, and everything is going to be okay. So don't you worry about anything." He picked me up into his arms and ran along side Nightwing to the car.

"Where are the keys!" Garfield said more flustered than before. I put a hand on his cheek and pointed to the drenched jacket. He looked at me in the most inconsolable way I had never seen before. We stayed like this for a few seconds until Nightwing's voice broke the silence.

"I can drive, you stay in the back with Raven." He grabbed the sweatshirt and and pulled out the crimson colored keys. He opened the door to the back seat and slammed it shut as soon as Garfield and I were in. Nightwing put the key in the ignition and revved the cars engine. He pressed a few buttons before speaking. 

"Armon, what is the fastest route to Mercy west hospital?" Nightwing said pulling out of the alleyway.

"The fastest route to the hospital is highway 59 south." Armon states while turning the small touchscreen into a GPS. Nightwing speed off onto the dark  highway nearly going eighty miles per hour.

"Garfield," Nightwing called.

"Yes sir."

"Take that sweatshirt, and try to ring it out. After your done put it back on her stomach and apply pressure. Okay." Garfield did as he was instructed and pressed the jacket on my wound. I winced at the amount of pressure he used.

"Sorry," he apologized for hurting me. I looked deep into his eyes the sparkle I loved wasn't there any more. I could tell he was trying not to cry, his eyes were completely glazed over.

"Armon, call Mercy west Hospital." The phone in the car began to ring until a woman answered the phone.

"Hello this is Claire Rice of Mercy west hospital. How may I help you?"

"Raven Roth has been stabbed in the stomach, and she is currently eight months pregnant. She's lost a lot of blood and she's is on the brink of losing consciousness. We are ten minutes away from the hospital and we are driving a black Honda." He kept his focus on the road, while still continuing his conversation with Claire.

"Okay, let me put you through with Dr. Grey and Dr. Robbins, I'm only an intern." She concluded, before paging the two doctors. When they got there Claire told them about the situation we were in.

"This is Dr. Grey, I'm going to stay on the line with you till you reach the hospital." Each word she said started to sound soft like a whisper. I knew I was losing consciousness and wouldn't be awake for much longer.

"Gar.. Honey..please," I choked. "I don't care." I coughed as my husband gave me a confused look. The tears I had been holding back decided to flow down my pale cheeks. "It's okay..if I..die," I told him between sobs.

"Don't say that!" He yelled at me. I could tell he was hurt that I didn't care much about myself, but I simply continued to speak.

"I want her to live...let her strive...don't make me the reason..why she couldn't," I lost my breath and put a hand on his cheek. He put his hand over mine as we both began to cry even more. The feeling of sleep came crashing over me, as my whole body began to shut down. My eyelids grew heavy as did my hand. I slowly slipped away into a dark void of unconsciousness.

I hoped you liked this chapter I got pretty sad writing it though. I also really enjoyed writing it for you guys. Get ready cause the next chapter is definitely going to be full of medical terms.😝

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