What happens behind the story...

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Once upon a time in a land far far away there lived a beautiful princess who was kidnapped by some evil gremlins, but luckily her handsome knight was there to... Oh shit! Someone killed her... Ah well the story must go on...

Have you ever wondered why the princess has always been pretty, the prince so good and honourable and, one of the most important questions, what if he was too late? This is what happens.

Catherine (kit kat) Hanson had never really put much faith into fairy tales, after all how often did a man in tights with a sword ever turn up when some creepy guy was staring at you from the other side of the tube, and if he did turn up would anyone else consider him a bigger threat?

But when a story demands a princess, it has to get one, so if it can't find one in its own dimension then why not steal one from ours?

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