Chapter 1

431 16 6

Story of my life - One Direction
Whatsername - Green Day
End up here - 5 Seconds of Summer

"Caaaaaliiiiii" Kyle shouted "Wait up!"
I stuck my tongue out as I ran up the hill with my long, dark brown hair blowing behind me. I was running very quickly, considering my tiny legs, but Kyle could run faster.

Just as I had reached the top, I turned around to break out in a victory dance as Kyle tackled me.
"Oww! Kyle, that hurt!" I say, attempting to trick him into thinking I was hurt, but he only laughed in response.

So I amped it up.

"Kyle." I wimper quietly, hoping to convince him that his tiny, 95-pound body had somehow hurt me.
He had stopped laughing and looked over at me with the purest concern a 11 year old could muster. "Wait, really? Are you okay?"

I squeal on the inside with glee, very happy my 'plan' was working.
"I-I don't know..." I studder, holding my arm dramatically as if to indicate it was broken or hurt.

Kyles eyes darted between my 10 year old face, trying its best to seem in pain, and my 'hurt' arm.
"Should I go get my mom?" He asked, clearly concerned.
I broke into a grin as I pushed him and laughed "I got you!" I laughed.
He worked though his mind what just happened for a second, and then pushed me playfully.
"Not cool, Cali. I was worried for a second!"

I giggle a bit, trying to compose myself as I apologize. "I'm sorry Kyle."

"You wanna know something?" He asked me, to which I responded, "What?" He pondered his words for a second before yelling, "You're a butt!" and taking off down the hill as fast as he could.
"Hey! No fair!" I shout as I take off also.

I shake my head, as if to clear it from the memories that never seem to stop replaying in my head, just as my phone goes off.

"Hello?" I answer, hoping to not sound as tired and stressed as I felt.

"Oh my goodness have you SEEN Kyles new video!?" Emmi shouts into my ear.
Emmi. One of my best friends.
She doesn't know that Kyle and I were also best friends, back in the day.
I still supported him, just like I'm sure he would, if he hadn't forgotten me awhile ago.

"Not yet. Why?" I sigh into the phone.
"Just go watch it!!" Emmi yells as a reply, I smile at her excitement.
"Alright, alright. Chill. I'll go watch it later, when I have time."
I can hear her blow her blond hair out of her eyes just before she finishes our conversation with a quick, "Okay, I love you, goodbye!"
I giggle to myself and hang up the phone call.

Maybe I should watch it sooner then later, instead of just adding it to my, 'Watch Later' playlist on YouTube.
"Later" I say aloud to to myself as I press shuffle on my Spotify app, turning on my 'July Favorites' playlist and start working on cleaning my room.

A/N: Hi! So I really hope you like this story so far, I think I did okay, I'm sorry it was kinda short.
If you want, you can go follow my fan account for Kyle on Instagram, it's @kyles.girl

Somebody That I Used To Know - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now