End Book One

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Oh my gosh you guys!!

Okay, let me explain why this is the end and why I'm calling it book one.

Firstly, I loved writing this and reading all of your support and reactions, it made me feel so special to be honest. But I'm ending it because I felt so bad about never updating, and you guys deserve to know that the book doesn't just end here.

Second, since I felt so bad and I didn't want the book to just end there, I decided to start a book two, that's why this is being called book one. Get it?

ALSO, since I have all of your attention, I want to do a fun product and I need all of you guys help.
I need you to share with me your favorite parts from this story, your favorite people, and maybe lil bits where I can improve myself, because without you guys, this story won't exsist!


Okay, I love you all so so much! Stay happy, be kind, and don't let the world see your frown!!

Oh, also, please feel free to re-read my story over and over and over again ;))


Or am I?
You'll never know.

Stay tuned and follow for updates on the new story!!

Somebody That I Used To Know - Book Two

Somebody That I Used To Know - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now