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I woke up to and empty bed and memory, but then every memory started hitting me and i  started freaking out as to where is Cameron?.

I quickly got out of the bed and made my way downstairs and smelled bacon. When i turned the corner and entered the kitchen Cameron was cooking some bacon with scrambled eggs. I immediately screamed.

He laughed and walked over to me.

"Good morning, my beautiful mate" he said kissing my cheek.
I had a confused face.

"No." I said getting serious

His face dropped and got serious
"What do you mean, No?" He said

"No, just, No. You cant just fall into a realy short comma rejecting the fact that im your mate and the next morning wake up like nothing happened and be calling me beautiful" i said in one breath, loud and clear.

"Look, im sorry if i made you worry but i didnt really refuse the fact your my mate, that is the only thing i didnt refuse, i was just not accepting that im going to live forever and that im a werewolf and that on top of being a werewolf im a alpha and not only an alpha but the alpha of the strongest pack in the world" he said with a stern face.

Ohhhh, i sligly feel better that he said he doesnt mind me being his mate, but its true, all those thing's getting dumped on you all at once is kind of hard to take in, idk how i didnt look at it like that, i guess i was looking at it from another angle.

"Oh, im sorry, i didnt see it like that, but i guess its kinda true" i said felling kinda guilty.

"Hey, hey, its ok, no need to be sad, here, i made you some eggs and bacon!" He said hugging me and putting a plate of eggs with bacon in front of me.

"Thank's" i said smiling at him and picking up the utensils.

"Welcom" he said, sitting down next to me with his own plate of food.

After we both finished eating we got up to put the plates in the washing machine

"I was thinking maybe we should invite everyone over, including your grandma so she can explain everything to everyone and clear that out" he said

"Yeah, that a good idea, you txt the guys and i txt the girls" i said

"Yeah, ok, im gonna go get ready" he said before kissing my cheek and heading for the stairs.

I nodded and  finished putting everything in the dishwasher and started the machine. Then i headed for the stair also. When i got to my room he was only in his boxers.

"OH SHIT, SORRY" i said turning around with my hands over my eyes.

I heard him laughing.

"Its ok i was just heading for the shower rn, wanna join?" He said

I walked to my closet with out looking at him, got a towel and threw it at him.

"No thanks, i think ill pass, maybe another time" i said with my hands still over my eyes.

I heard him chuckle and the door to my bathroom open and close.

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