1: Introducing Me

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"Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced."
- Soren Kierkegaard

Music: Introducing Me- Camp Rock 2


I woke up at 6:30am my usual time to get up for school. I brushed my teeth, took a shower, got dressed, did my hair, and picked up my bag and books. I went to my little sister's room to wake her up for school. Then I went downstairs to devour the my awaiting pancakes. "Good Morning, sweetheart!", my mom greeted as she put the last pancake on a plate. "Morning mama", I replied. We talked while I ate my breakfast until Amelia, or Amy, and dad came down. "Good Morning honey and daughter", dad said. "Morning father", I responded. You may be thinking me and my dad aren't on good terms because of how formal we are... But that's just how we talk so don't worry I love my father to death. "Sister", I turned to Amelia as I put a pancake on her plate. "Morning sissy", she said. "Will Derek be coming today?", Amelia asked. "No sweetie. He has to be home to unpack all his things", mom said. Derek is our older brother. He's 20 and lives in an apartment a few blocks away. He just moved to California from New York. He was there for college and now he's here to work as a lawyer. Also he's dating an awesome girl by the name of Taylor. But she's in New York finishing school, she's a year younger Derek.

By the time we finished breakfast it was 7:30. Me and Amy said goodbye to mom, who would be working later today, and dad who was leaving too. I hoped into my old beetle (the kind Emma Swan has in Once Upon a Time) and started driving to Amy's school. We bid goodbye as I dropped her off and I headed to my own hell. As I walked to my locker I noticed someone at a locker. He didn't look familiar but it looked like he was trying to open it. I walked over slowly eyeing him. "Hey there", I greeted unsurely. "Hi", he said taking a break from yanking on the lock. "What are you doing?", I asked. "Trying to open my locker. I'm new here" "I see" "So would you mind telling me what I'm doing wrong with the lock?" "Well for one, you got the wrong locker." "No I didn't. How do you know?", he asked. "Because it's my locker", I replied. "But the note says locker 223", he said as he showed me the note. "Okay. Yeah that's true. But this locker, my locker, is 232" "Oooh. I'm an idiot. Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry", he said as he face palmed himself. "It's fine you're new here. Totally understandable. But hey. We got 10 more minutes before first bell. So I'll just put some stuff away and I can show you around while leading you to the right locker", I offered. "Thanks. But you don't have to. I'm sure you probably want to catch up with some friends before class. I'll find my way around." "Oh like you found your way around to my locker? It's fine I have most of my friends in my classes. And take this as a forgiving gift." He was hesitant but he agreed. After I put some books away we headed down the hall. "I'm Noah by the way, he introduced as he held out his hand. I shook his hand as he said, " So what's your name?" "Well if I tell you then where's the mystery?" He smiled and we started to walk around.

We walked around the school on the way to his locker as I explained to him the best teachers and the worst and how to get on their good and bad sides. "Alright so I'm fine with the teachers. What about the students? Anyone I need to look out for? Or any mean popular kids?" Noah asked. I giggled. "Nope, this school isn't as cliché as it may look. We do have popular kids but, they aren't big threats. To be honest they're just like you and me. They're only popular because they're rich and they know that but they don't flaunt it around. And they don't seclude themselves they welcome anyone into their group", I explained. "Okay so far I'm liking this school" we laughed and as soon as the laughter died down we reached his locker. "Well here's your real locker. And don't worry it's not a jammed one", I comforted him. "Oh thank goodness", he sighed in relief. "Though I don't think the previous owner was a neat freak. And they barely clean the lockers so beware on what you find behind that door", I teased. I didn't really know that there would be a sticky gym sock in there. Or a rotten banana. "That's disgusting. I was just kidding when I said that was a messy locker" "And I had hoped it really was just a joke. How am I gonna get that stench out?!", he asked. "Bleach?" "Yeah cause they'll totally let me walk onto campus with a chemical in my backpack", he said sarcastically. That's true. The security around here was pretty tight I don't actually know why. The neighborhood has been pretty safe but then again better safe than sorry. Just then the bell rang signaling the start of passing period. "You know how to get to class?", I asked Noah. "Yup I studied the map last night" "Alright have fun in physics and hey I'll try to look for you at lunch." "It's luck I need not fun. And I'll look for you too. Thanks for showing me around." We waved goodbye and I headed to English.

In English I took my seat in the back by the window. I always choose to seat in the back by the window when given a choice. Just in case the lesson is boring I can look out of the window and daydream. A few seconds after I took my seat my best friend Sierra took the seat next to me. "Hey Evie", she greeted with a smile. "Hey", I replied. "Have you seen the new guy?", she asked. "Yeah I've actually spoken to him why?" "Well cause he's kinda cute. Wait, did you just say you spoke to him?! Why?!" "Okay first off, you're not supposed to think he's cute, you have a boyfriend. Second, he was trying to open my locker cause he thought it was his and I showed him around." "Okay I am allowed to think guys are cute I'm just not allowed to flirt with any of them. And how was he?" "He was sweet. I think he's pretty cool. A little cocky but, the more jokingly kind. I said I would look for him at lunch." She was about to speak again but the teacher walked in and started the lesson.

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