Chapter 47

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*Smut Warning, for those of you who don't like that stuff, just don't read between the stars*

A week had past and I was feeling so much better than I had the pervious week when my stitches burst. I slowly opened my eyes, I had fallen asleep on Matt's shoulder.

"Guess what today is?" Matt said groggily.

"What?" I asked, looking into his hazel eyes.

"Our birthday!" He said excitedly.

I had almost completely forgotten, luckily I had bought Matt a gift a while ago, granted it wasn't much which I felt bad about.

"Your right! I almost forgot" I squealed as I pulled him into a quick kiss, before getting up, to go into the bathroom to shower and change.

Once I got out I was greeted by a sudden question, "So are you up for going out with me tonight?" Matt pondered.

"Like on a date?" I raised my eyebrows.

"If you'd like to call it that, yes" He smirked.

"I'd be more than happy to" I said as I sat down next to him, he had changed and showered as well. The aroma of cologne loomed around him.

The day was really nice, one of the best i've had in a while. Matt made me breakfast, we spent the day together on the beach, relaxing and enjoying each others company. I always had a good time when I was around him.

Around 4:00 he decided that it was time for us to start the date portion of our night. I quickly changed into a black cocktail dress that I had, he wore a white button down shirt with black pants.

"You look… wow" Matt's eyes widened as I walked down the stairs, his mouth was practically hanging open as he stared at me.

I walked up to him, as he pulled me into a hug, "You look pretty wow yourself"

He lead me out to the car, holding my hand and opening my side for me before getting in on his own side. Such a gentleman.

We drove for a few minutes before Matt pulled into the parking lot of the nicest restaurant in town, I was impressed.

He opened my side of the car, wrapping his arm around me as he lead me in. So far as birthdays go, this one wasn't too bad, considering the last two I spent in my room depressed as hell.

The waiter seated us and soon enough we got out meals, both small portions served on gargantuan white plates. Matt and I seldom talked, most of the night was spent staring into each others eyes, I swear it was like something right out of a movie. Dinner soon finished. Matt paid the bill and we drove off. I expected him to make a left turn out of the place but instead he turned to the right, driving towards the cliffs. I knew exactly where he was going, it was probably my favorite place in the entire world.

Matt led me out of the car, holding me close to him as we walked up to the edge of the cliff. The vicious waves were crashing below us. The sky was a soft purple and pink color.

"Isn't is beautiful" I sighed.

"You're more beautiful" Matt teased slightly.

"Stoooop" I joked, "So how did you find this place"

"Driving around last week… I wanted to take you somewhere nice, this town is just so damn small though" Matt laughed.

I rolled my eyes, "Well you took me to the best place possible."


"Yeah, this is by far one of my favorite places ever, and being up here with you is perfect" I smiled.

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