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"Athena! Get back to the HQ now!"
"Shut up Techy! I'm surrounded. I move an inch, and they will find me, you idiot!"
"Are you kidding me?!"
"Grrr, no. Is the rest of the team back?"
"Okay then. Tell the others I'll be back asap."
"Fine, but I don't like it. Not one bit. Oh, and be careful please. We can't afford to loose you."
"I'll try." And she shut the phone. 'Athena' was crouch on the ground. You wouldn't notice her unless you looked closely. Her hair was of a deep mahagony colour, and it was curly. It was pulled back into a high pony-tail. She had a regal looking face. High cheekbones and almond shaped eyes that were hazel with flecks of green and gold. Her eyes held wisdom beyond her years.
She looked around. She was pretty confident that they couldn't see her. She could see them, that much was obvious. She was surrounded. The wheels in her head was turning. Thinking of ways to get herself out of there. Unfortunately for her, all her planf involved her getting seen by them. She sighed.
"Okay then. Have it your way." She whispered to herself.
She slowly crept out of the thicket around her and shouted,
"Hey! You brainless gorillas! Look whose behind you!"
They turned around. Someone, presumably the leader said,
"Athena, have you come to be defeated?"
Everyone behind him started laughing.
" I just want to get home. So you can either let me go without any problems or you can put up a fight of which I aleady know the outcome to."
"Oh yeah? Well what is it then? You dying at the hand of us 'brainless gorillas'?" More laughter followed that comment.
"Nope." She replied. "Me kicking your butts all the way to Australia." Somehow she managed to say that with a straight face.
His smug face turned into one of fury. He lunged at her and grabbed hold of her throat.
"Shut up you insolent brat! Didn't your parents teach you to respect your superiors?!" He growled.
"The only thing my parents taught me was 101 ways to insult someone."
"Aww...did little Athena not have a nice time at home?" He sneered
"If that was your attempt at making me upset, then you need to try better for that was rubbish." She retorted.
"Uh Peter. The Boss just called and said that we need to leave her here and get back to headquarters asap." The one who spoke ws a man who looked like a thin 9 year old with a beard. He was most likely only good for sending messeges. He looked a lot like someone she knew.
"Fine. Oh, and this isn't over." He told her.
"Nah. Didn't think it was either." Athena said while not-so-gently pried his fingers from her neck. She was finally able to get to the reast of the team. Armed with a vital piece of information, because as everyone says; nothing gets past the Brightest Witch of Her Age.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2016 ⏰

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