4 hours later.
As I walk over to my fridge to grab out my sandwich I see Mokuba running to my door.
"(y/n) you need to come quickly to the council that Seto has that meeting have just moved it the time up to it being in five minutes time!!!"
"Slow down I can't understand what you are saying, did you say that the meeting is in five and not 3 hours?"
"Yes that is what I said in summary." as I grab all that think that I kneed I still see Mokuba standing there, I think if Mr Kaiba knows what has happened.
"Mokuba does Seto know."
"I assumed that he did."
"I should go and cheek." but Mokuba didn't move he was just glancing at the fridge. "yes Mokuba you can have something to eat."
"Thanks (y/n)" he runs over and flys the door open as I walk out with everything that I needed for the meeting. I walk into Seto's office and he doesn't seem worried.
"Mr Kaida I have just been informed that the meeting has just been moved up. the meeting starts in five minutes."
"Those bastards, I wasn't told, thank you." he picks up a suitcase with the prototype in it and he walked out straight out into the meeting room.
After the meeting
as the meeting finished after working hours the building was empty, I walk with Seto in silence to get to my office. as I push the door open I see that Mokuba is asleep on the couch. I creep over to him and turn off the tv.
"Mokuba it's time for you to go home." I nug him gently as his eyes fluttered open.
"(y/n) what time is it?"
"It is time for you and Seto to go home which means that it is late."
"are you going home too?"
"No, I think that I will stay here and finish some letters. Now go and tell Seto it's time for you to go." he jumped off the couch and ran out to Seto who was about to leave himself, he pates Mokuba on the head and then sees where he had just run from to look me straight in the eyes. He gave me a faint smile and Mokuba waved goodbye.
"Now to finish those letters." as I walk over to my desk I see that Mokuba had left something on it. as I open the envelope to see his writing.
'Dear (y/n) I got you something from the shop downtown for you to eat as I know that you would be staying here for the night.'
"Oooh, Mokuba" I walk over to the fridge to see that he got me some chocolate.
As I walked over to the window I can see the limo for Seto and Mokuba to get it. He looks up and waves, I know that he can't see me but he does it all the time.
As I see the limo drive away I sit down and start sorting out some papers into files. One file is full of all the work that I needed to do before the meeting and another pile of all of Seto's plans for the week no the year. As I go through my work I look at the clock and find that the time is 4:00 am in the morning.
Maybe I should have a small rest on the lounge, I lay down and close my eyes and instantly fall asleep.
The True Heart of Seto Kaiba
FanfictionAs you work in Kaiba Corporations as Seto Kaiba's personal assistant you come to realize that Kiaba has a soft heart for his brother. And as you watch him duel and work you succumb to your feelings that you like him, as you know he is you, boss, it...