Chapter 2

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Roses POV

"Rose, you can't be here. It's too early for you to be here." I heard a male voice say into my ear. I slowly turned around to see my brother, Ivan.
"Ivan!" I cried. I jumped into his arms.
"Rose, you have a whole entire life ahead of you. I know what mum and dad do but it'll get better. Trust me. You have great friends and if you died they probably would kill themselves."
"I don't need them, Ivan. I need you, you're always there for me. I can't leave you! Mum and dad beat me, I've had enough!"
"Shhh, Rose, it's going to get better. If you need me just call and I'll stay up all night talking to you. Goodbye. Rose, I love you."
"I love you too, Ivan." I whispered.
"Rose, please wake up. Please? Rose, I need you." I heard someone say, it sounded like Riley. Riley was one of my best friends, I had a crush on him for 2 years and I didn't tell him about mum and dad because I didn't want him worrying. Riley had blonde, short hair, his eyes were as blue as the sky on a clear and sunny day. He was as pale as a white piece of paper and he was so loving and kind.
"Riley?" I whispered.
"Rose, you're awake! Thank you so much!" He hugged me properly, every time he hugged me he'd shove my head under his arm. It was pretty funny.
"Yeah, Ivan told me I wasn't ready to be with him yet and told M-" I cut myself off. Fuck, he's gonna think I went insane.
"You okay, Rose?"
"Sorry, I sound like I've gone insane!" I hid under the blankets, covering my flustered face with them.
Riley tried pulling the sheets down and we had a little war, Riley ended up wining and he tickled me.
"Excuse me. Rose, how are you feeling? Also if I were you I wouldn't play around with her. She is bleeding ." A man in a white coat said.
"I'm fine thanks." I smiled.
"Call me if you need anything."
Riley and I looked at each other and laughed so hard we started crying.

2 months later I was told I could go back home. To be honest I wanted to but not to get bashed. I wanted to go there to just get my stuff and say adiós amigos and leave. But of course I couldn't do that yet.
The first week out I stayed with Damian and his family. Damian and I were in his room most of the time just playing video games and watching YouTube.
The second week, I went and stayed at Hamish and his family's house. After school we'd watch anime and joke around.
The third week, I had to go for a half an hour drive to Daya and her families place. Daya and I girl talked and just hung out it was really fun.
The fourth week, I stayed at Callan and his families house. Callan would go to the skate park and I'd watch him, he was really good. When we were at home Callan would do really funny stuff and I'd start laughing tears.
The fifth week, I stayed at Riley and his families place, we had fun, we mucked around, we stayed up really late at night just talking and we had a few sleep overs at Callans place.
The sixth week I decided I needed to start working to earn enough money for an apartment.
"Riley, I have a job at the local store down the road. I'm going to save up and get an apartment so I don't have to annoy you and you're family." I told him.
"Do you need help? Like with working to earn enough?" He asked.
"Nah, you've done enough for me. I should be gone in about 6 months if I work 3 hours, 5 days a week."
"Rose, it's okay I can help. If you want I can move in with you!"

Riley's POV

So I've had this huge crush on Rose since we became friends, her sparkling blue eyes, her brown, shoulder length, natural curly hair. Her pale skin. Her eyes used to sparkle everyday but one day they stopped. She told me her brother had committed suicide and broke down crying. I know how close she was with her brother and it must've killed her that he took his own life.
Rose thinks like no one else I've ever met. When she has a crush she tells them and she doesn't care who knows, she thinks to herself that they like her as much as she does. So when she admitted to me I was so happy but too shocked to tell her that I love her too. I'm not even sure if she likes me still like that.

"Riley? Hello? Are you okay?" I was woken up from my day dream to Rose waving her hand in front of my face.
"What sorry?" I awkwardly laughed, rubbing my back.
"I said you can live with me. I won't mind but won't it be weird since you know..."
"What? Be weird because of what?"
"I like you, silly! Well. It's not like anymore." She admitted again! She still likes me? Here's my chance!
"Rose, I have something to tell you."
"Hey, Rose!" Callan sat between us.
"Hey, Cal!" She ran up to him and hugged him.
He whispered something into her ear.
"Aww. Callan, I'm sorry... I can't. He has to do that." She looked down, sad.
"Callan, what'd you tell her?!" I yelled.
"I told her to ask you out because you like her." He laughed.
"Rose, will you go out with me?" I asked, blushing.
"Get the fuck away from her! She's a slut! She needs to be bashed!" Someone yelled out, sounding like a male. A woman soon came into eye view. Fuck, is that her mum. We need to go.

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