4 Weeks Earlier

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Four Weeks Earlier

Jan P.O.V

Waking up was never something I really liked to do especially when I have to do so for school.
My mom was pounding on the door yelling for me to wake up, to which I groaned for school was a chore for me. I was a nerd in marching band and got straight A's I was also the tarket for the popular girls, I don't know why maybe it was because I looked nerdy or because I always corrected them when they were wrong I'm not really sure but I know I'm a target.
After getting ready I walked out the door and walked to my 2005 Blue Ford Mustang, I know a cool car right. So why am I not popular well, Im quiet and rarely talk to people, I only have a few choiced friends, and I'm kind of the poster child for NERDS weekly. But despite all of the name calling and bullying I still enjoy what I do for fun.


Walking into the front door all I could smell were chemicals and sweat that you usually smell when entering a school.
"Hey J what's up" I heard my best friend Ally yell as she walked up and punched my shoulder.
"Hey Ally," I said rubbing my shoulder "Do you always have to hit me when you see me?"
She looked at me with a wide eyed gaze and said "Why, of course I do you would think I didn't love you."
I rolled my eyes and smiled at her sarcastic remark, "Have you seen Marko?" I asked looking to my left as a football was thrown into the air
"No he told me he was going to be late again" Ally replied rolling her eyes at our always tardy friend while I laughed at her reply.
Several minutes later I heard the words watch out before looking quickly back only to see the football headed right towards my face.
I quickly closed my eyes ready to feel the pain when nothing came I slowly opened my eyes and saw a hand with the football enclosed in it; it was Grant the schools half-back who had caught the ball. I looked up preparing myself to thank him, the guy I had a crush on for 2 years, when he smiled his crooked grin and said "Hey Jan." I smiled back and said "Hey Grant thanks for the save."
"Your welcome it was my pleasure besides wouldn't want that beautiful face to get hurt." He said with a small grin
Omg is he flirting with me I thought as he chuckled and ran away with the ball.
"Oooooohh Jan get it girl; he was flirting hardcore!" Ally said grinning waving her hand in a fan motion in front of her face "No he wasn't." I said looking to the side to avoid her pointed glare
"Girl don't lie to your self, you know he's only with Kristen to get you jealous." She said with a smirk
Speaking of the devil I thought as I looked up only to be faced with a deadly glare of Kristen from across the hallway
I quickly looked down and soed walked but I failed to make it in my class before long manicured nails grabbed onto my arm in a tight grip and turned me around
"Lookie here it's little miss know it all who thinks she's so pretty. But look here little nerd he wouldn't touch you with a 50 foot pole got it!" She said pushing me back and out of her way to go into the classroom oh did I forget to mention she shares half my classes with me yyyaaayyyy! Can you hear the sarcasm in my voice I didn't think so oh well better get into class before Mrs. Jacks counts me late.

Sorry about the delay I hit a bit of writer's block and suckage. So I appoligize for the delay didn't think it would take this long hopefully the next chapter won't take as long. Have a nice day, Stay Strong and carry on and if you need an ear to listen I'm here for you also review I am thankful for feed back and Ideas ☺☺😀😇

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2016 ⏰

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