♡ How You Met ♡

9 2 2

♡ Ethan ♡ 

You were at a coffee shop with best friend , y/f/n , you ordered a java chip frap along with y/f/n who ordered a caramel one . While y/f/n was waiting for your drinks , you make eye contact with a cute boy across the cafe , he seems to be staring at you but whenever you catch him staring he looks away. You'd look up , he'd look down . He'd look up , you'd look down , you felt like saying something but you just didn't wanna take the chance to embarrass yourself in front of everyone , like what is he was looking at a sign behind you , or looking at someone else , it was all so stressful you just HAD to know.

"Finally" you say as y/f/n hands to your drink aside hers in her hand. "It was only 5 minutes , chill , you look worried" she said, you looked around and there was no sight of this mystery boy so you just drop it. "So did you see any cute boys?" y/f/n says " Um " you say as you look around , still no sight of him " Um no , sadly" ..you lied , it was really no point of bringing it up if you were never gonna see his wonderful soul ever again. "Bummer" y/f/n says "Me neither" she replies again. "Yup , sure is" you say as you slurp your drink.

After hanging out with your friend two boys approach you , one of them was the guy who was staring you down earlier , aside him was who seemed to be his twin brother. "Hey" one of them said " I'm Grayson , This is my brother Ethan." he said "Hey , I'm y/n and this is my friend y/f/n" you say as you greet Grayson and Ethan " Hi , i was kinda wondering , if u-um you wanna maybe hang out sometime ?" Ethan says directly to you "Um sure" you said excitedly yet kinda awkwardly "I'll give you my number , and we can hang out soon" You say handing him a piece of paper "Thanks , i'll definitely call you" You felt your heart sink , you were really looking forward to it.

♥ Grayson ♥

You were at a hockey game watching Canada vs USA with your girl y/f/n , it was half time and y/f/n offered to get snacks and ofc you sent her to get anything she could find. While you waited you checked instagram and saw all posts from the stadium , while you scroll through you spot a super cute boy with the username graysondolan , now your extremely interesting in where this handsome boy may be seated , you look around the stadium and you can't spot him anywhere.

y/f/n comes back and she brings two hot dogs , drinks and some fries. While you're eating you explain to her that you saw this beautiful looking human being and insisted on meeting him "What's his insta?" she asks , " It's graysondolan " you reply. Right before the game is about to start you hear shuffling next to your seat , you turn over to be suprised that its the boy off instagram! You look over to your friend and signal her to look , " oh my god , he's way hotter in person , oh and would you look , he's got a twin!" she says confidently , you turn towards him and he smiles " Hey" he says , you smile back and reply " Hi " . After a few awkward seconds of just looking at each other he finally talks again ,  "Where you the cute girl who liked my instagram pictures ?" he asks trying not to smile (yet he fails) , "Oh , uh yeah " you giggle , " I'm Grayson " He says as he brings his hand forward , " I'm y/n" you say accepting his hand shake "This is my friend y/f/n" you also add on " Hey " she says waving , "Oh yeah uh this is my twin brother , Ethan" he explains along with Ethan introducing him self again. 

You guys all talk for a bit longer but eventually the game starts and everyone was shushing you and Grayson so you guys knock it off. 

After the game you guys meet outside , " So , is it cool if i give you my number ? " he asks ever so adorably " Of course " You said while you whip out your phone. A few moments after you exchange numbers you say your good byes and go home . "So you gonna call him " y/f/n asks " Well duh , in fact i'm calling him now " you say giggling as y/f/n drives you home. This night will be one to remember..

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2016 ⏰

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