chapter nine.

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( It wasn't your fault. )


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There was an eerie silence the following week after Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes and Agent Evelina Rose Parrish fell from the train. Everyone was mourning the loss differently. Some people would keep everything on the inside, not show their emotions and then silently cry themselves to sleep. Other people would drink and drink until they became drunk enough to not have any more emotions. Steve tried drinking but was completely unsuccessful. One of the side effects of the Super Soldier Serum.

Everyone held a service for Agent Parrish and Sergeant Barnes. They got tombstones put up in a graveyard close by, flowers surrounding it even though it was winter. They contacted their family in the hope of getting them to come to the ceremony, but none of them came. People figured that the Parrishs' wanted to mourn the loss of their daughter silently, with only close friends to comfort them. But James' parents had already passed on, and all that was left was his younger sister, Rebecca. She came to the service, completely heartbroken that she had lost her overprotective, loveable older brother. Her only surviving family member left.

After the death of his best friend and the love of his life, Howard Anthony Walter Stark became an alcoholic. He became MIA a week after Evelyn's death, but still managed to attend the funeral. He stood at the back, only half sober, watching as they placed two empty caskets into the ground. 'The least they could have done was try to find their damn bodies,' Howard thought to himself.

Peggy was the strong type. She was the one to not let her emotions show. So, throughout the day, she would act as a wall for everyone. Constantly making sure that her friends were alright, and comforting them when they weren't. Then, when she went to bed at night, she would let all of her pent-up tears fall onto her pillow. She had lost one of her best friends, the only other woman to ever really get her.

Steve Rogers had lost two people that day. His long-term best friend and the woman he fell in love with. He was let off for the week. He didn't come onto the base but still attended their funerals. He would try to get drunk, but quickly found out he couldn't. So, instead, he continued drinking and began to think back to the memories he had shared between the two people he loved most. When he first met Bucky when young Steve was getting bullied, up until the time when James left for Europe.

Then he thought back to Evelyn. The tough, gorgeous woman he had the pleasure of meeting. He knew he instantly liked her from the moment he met her, watching her punch Hodge in the nose. He thought about how far they had come. Her being there with him throughout his procedure, working together in the field and her constantly saving his life, only for him to not be able to do it in return. He should have told her how he felt before it was too late. Steve had been meaning to tell Evelyn for a while that he was in love with her, but had been too shy to say so.

¹AGENT PARRISH ( steve rogers )Where stories live. Discover now