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{few months later}

Namjoon was finally leaving the hospital and going home with Jin and his mother. Namjoon was excited but at the same time he was feeling lonely. He mothers died and his father shot himself in the head. How was Namjoon meant to be ok with this? True was he wasn't but he mum once told him to be strong even at the worst times in ones life, Namjoon was going through a lot. It shouldn't be possible for a six year old to be able to take this but he did, he smiled for the only one who kept him alive, the only he has now and the only one he loves. Namjoon sighs as he replayed the events that happened that night in his head as he looked outside the window. He remembers everything, nothing could stop Namjoon from remembering them when his was alone, he remembers every single night that happened those pasted 10 weeks that he cried himself to sleep...the last night he remembers a lot...when he father dragged him downstairs, seeing his mother cry and begging God to save Namjoon...he remembers the gun shot he heard while running away from the house.... He remembers feeling the sharp pain that hit him on the upper part of his right shoulder....he remembers falling to ground hearing the crowed, neighbors, walking out of their homes to see what the hell was going outside, hearing yet another gun shot as people now realising, panicking, fearing....that some crazy man had shot his family and himself...he remembers hearing Jin sweet and soft voice telling him to stay wake up and that was Namjoon's reason to keep living, Jin was the only reason Namjoon wanted to keep living. Namjoon heard the door open snapping him out of his memories and Jin came in with a suitcase and to help Namjoon pack his things.

"Where's your mum Jin?"
Jin looked at Namjoon and smiled widely.

"She is organising our bedroom"
Jin said as he packed Namjoon's notebook in the suitcase.

"Namjoon-ah what do you write in this notebook?"
Namjoon looked at Jin in the eyes, Jin stared back, he could feel Namjoon's sadness, loneliness, he wanted to help him, make his best friend happy again, he wanted to hear Namjoon's giggles again. Namjoon's giggles were one of the best sounds Jin has ever heard and he wanted to hear it again...no matter how long it will take for him to hear them he will hear them again.

"I write lyrics to music I like or just how I feel, writing down my feelings helps me feel better"
Jin knew Namjoon was smart but he was only six!! How does he know how to write down his feeling on a piece of paper? Jin didn't know and he didn't really bother asking Namjoon anymore questions as he continued to pack Namjoon's things. After a while of packing Namjoon's things Jin was finally done and smiled at Namjoon.

"Namjoon lets go home now, I know you always hated the hospital"
Namjoon smiled as he took Jin's hand and walked towards the door. He sat down in the waiting room as the doctor that had be taking care of him happened to pass by.

"Ah Namjoon you're leaving us?"
The doctor asked smiling like always. Namjoon give him a small smile and nodded.

"Are you happy?"
Namjoon nodded again.

"Well I wish you the best...and I don't want to see you in this hospital ever again do you hear me?"
The doctor smiled when Namjoon nodded and the doctor walked away, Namjoon sighed as he waited for Jin who had gone to ask the front desk lady if he could call his mum to tell her that he was done packing Namjoon's stuff and was waiting for her to come and pick them up and also went to buy some chips and candy of him and Namjoon. Namjoon saw Jin running towards him with a bag in his hand smiling.

"Mum...said...she...will...be here..soon"
Jin informs him trying to catch his breath. Namjoon giggles as he sees Jin laying on the floor breathing heavily.

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