@jacobstoptorius admin 2

21 3 2

Q/How did you find out about Jacob?
A/Shelby showed me to him and I checked out his IG and Musically and yeah.
Q/Why do you hate him?
A/I don't hate the kid. I just think he is too young to be sexualizing(?) himself.
Q/ What made you think to make a hate account?
A/Shelby and I made a spam account together and all we did was post pictures of Jacob so we made an account that got disabled at 500. We then made this account, never thinking we'd get this far.
Q/ What is your biggest reason for hating him?
A/How he degrades the minds of women (I think I used that right) and he sexualizes himself at the age of 13. He also is very full of himself and doesn't care about the greater good.

 He also is very full of himself and doesn't care about the greater good

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Why We Hate JacobOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant