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"Okay children! Today we're going to pick our spell words and our very own Magica colors!"   

Watson sat away from all of the other children with her new best friend, Gilbert, who had been an early sixth birthday gift from her mother.   

"Why aren't you talking with the other kids?" Gilbert asked inbetween licks of his paw.  

"They don't like me," Watson said, stubbornly crossing her arms over her chest. "They say that their mommies and daddies tell them I have an unfair advantage because my mommy is an elder."  

Gilbert cocked his head in an adorably curious manor. "How does that have anything to do with you?"  

"I don't know! They said it was genocides, or something!"    

"Don't you mean genetics?" Gilbert asked, scrunching up his little kitty face.  

"NO! Why does everyone keep asking me that?! I'm sure they said genocides!"  

"Why ever are you speaking about genocide?"   

Watson's face bursted into flames and she quickly pointed at the other children. "They said they didn't want to be my friends because of genocides!"  

"We said genetics, stupid Watson," Garran, Watson's most hated enemy, said sticking his tongue out at her.   

Watson wanted nothing more then to punch Garren in his stupid smug face, but the teacher's soothing voice brought her attention back to the matter at hand. "...I'll have a word with them later, but for now I need to know what you've chosen for your spell word and your Magica colors."  

"Well, I want my Magica colors to be purple, orange and black," Watson said listing them on her fingers. "And as for my spell word, it definitely has to be Lolipumpkinpop!"  

The whole class erupted into laughter and again Watson's face flamed up. It wasn't fair that they always laughed at her and treated her differently just because of her genocides, or genetics, or whatever they were! She was just like the rest of them!  

With tears in her eyes Watson ran from the classroom with Gilbert not too far behind her. They would all see one day that it wasn't because of her genocides that she was powerful. One day they would realize that all her power came from herself!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2013 ⏰

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The Misadventures of Watson the Witch: Book 1; The Witch and her Familiar....s?Where stories live. Discover now