Amongst The Shadows (ATS)

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 Frustration burned in her stomach as she stood on her favorite hill.Normally this hill made

her happier than an alchoholic alone in a brewery, but now it's pretty flowers and crisp wind mocked her

with it's carelessness. She fought the urge to scream and sunk to the ground instead, her gear

stretching against her skin like a strip of starless night sky, and provided an un-welcome

reminder of what had just happened.

  She had just finished a bit of training and was walking along the hallway of the institute

when she heard voices, not unfimiliar ones, but unexpected. She halted, turned and strided

toward the room, her footsteps a soundless shudder in the empty hallway and burst into the room.

The Clave. They were having a meeting. But why were they having it here? They only had meetings

here when it had something to do with them or someone else who was staying at the institute.

What was going on? "October Younghallow!" oh crap. Her mom was mad. She had obviously been

angry before, but now she was furious. "Ah. Just the girl i wanted to see." One of the members

of the clave said, extending his arm to touch my shoulder. i step back a step so

o he can't reach

me. "You wanted to see me?" "Maxwell! Don't be ridiculous! She is just a girl!" my mom said

now standing with her hands balled into fists at her sides. "What is going on?" i ask bewildered.

"The girl is right. She should know what we are discussing. She is the subject of conversation

after all." The man- Maxwell said matter-of-factly. I Hadn't made the point, but okay."I am?"

I say, sincerely confused. "Why yes, my dear. Have a seat and we will catch you up." Maxwell

gestures to an empty, high-backed chair. I look to my mother and decide to stay standing,

afraid she might explode if i do otherwise. "You see, we think that, although you are only 14-"

He began, seeming to not notice the fact that i was still standing. "-we think that you should

be allowed to go into battle." "What?!?!" Now i'm shell-shocked. "See! Even she thinks it's

ridiculous!" My mother says, now ushering me out of the room. And that was that; she ordered me

to leave and threatened to take away my seraph blades if i returned into that room agian today.

  And here she was. She had been given the paper and quill but no ink. She was October Younghallow,

a terribly gifted shadowhunter. At the meek age of 14 she was already better than most adult shadowhunters.

That was why the clave wanted her about 3 years early. And she wanted to. She loved battle.

Loved everything about it. But of course she did, it was how she was raised. It was engraved

into her soul. But still she couldn't go into real battle because her mother was so damn

overprotective. October had been told that her mother was actaully quite lenient, and she supposed

she was. But October should be able to go into battle. The Clave thought so, she thought so,

everyone thought so. Except her mother.

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