Chapter 1

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ELLO JELLIED WEIRDOS! First chapter is here hope you enjoy.

Takara was about to start in a new school. Right before starting school "he" gets a letter. Who the writer is was not given. So now "he" has to figure that out. Waiting for the time the writer and "he" meet. "He" does what the letter says though and tries to look for Music Room #3. What "he" doesn't know is that the host club isn't normal.... At all.


Takara POV

So here I am walking the halls of the pink Ouran high. Who decided that pink would be the color of the school. Anyways I'm looking for the host club. In music room #3. The reason I'm looking for it is because of a weird letter I got from someone. I don't who they since they signed it as unknown but they clearly know me and this host club. They even somehow know my secret and that's what I'm most scared of. I mean they got blackmail on me. Anyways I have finally found the room. I searched this whole school and I swear I lost a couple pounds. I'm staring at the door.

"Ok what ever is in there can't be too bad right? Only on way to find out." I say to myself.

I then open the door and rose petals fly everywhere.

Then I hear people say "Welcome to the Host Club"

I look up and see some very hot guys and a girl who is very pretty even in a guy's uniform.

"Uh... hi?"

"Oh a boy. You are a boy right?" A tall blonde ask.

"Uh... yes..."

"Good so what type are you into?"


"Senpai he could just be lost or something." The girl says.

"Oh... Are you lost?"

"Uh... I am somewhat lost but I mean I was listening to a letter so that might have been my first problem."

"A letter?" The girl asked.

"Yeah it was signed by unknown so I don't know who wrote it."

They all look at each other then at a guy with glasses. "I don't know who gave him the letter but I do know who he is. Takara Tsuzuki."

"Yes hello."

"Hello my name is Haruhi." The girl says shaking my hand.

"Why hello haruhi, are you a crossdresser?"

"Huh? Oh you found out I was a girl?"

"Well yes I mean you look very feminine, you also clearly have boobs."

"If you see boobs you're great at looking at details."



"That is Tamaki Senpai, You can just ignore him."

"Uh ok..." I says I have been here for only a couple minutes but I am very confused on what's going on here.

"Hi Taka-Chan" A very short blonde says.

"Uh hello?"

"I'm Honey and this Mori." He says pointing to a very tall guy.

"Nice to meet you Honey, Mori." I say bowing towards them.

"I'm Hikaru and..."

"I'm Karou and..."

"We are the Hitachiin Twins." Two creepy ginger twins say.

"Should I even respond to that?"

"Best to ignore them too." Haruhi says.

"Thought so."

"I am Kyoya. Mr. Tsuzuki, You're from Italy, You are a big fan of superheroes, and you were raised more like a commoner with good money." Glasses says.

"Uh sure that's me. Mr. Ootori, The third son of the Ootori family, am I right?" He smirks and pushes his glasses up.

"Yes, You are right."

"Ok can I be mostly scared of glasses with the death note?"

"That's probably the best course of action." Haruhi says.

"Good to know. Thanks for the warnings." I say then I go to walk out.

"Wait you said you got a Letter to come here?" Tamaki says.


"What exactly did this letter tell you?"

"Well if I told you I would be telling you my biggest secret."

"Oh... what did it say about us I mean?"

"That you are a very crazy club"


"But the way that they described you didn't make you guys sound mean or anything so I thought I could come check out this club so I came here."

"Well how about you become a host Takara!?"

"Is that really a good idea."

"Yes of course."

"I don't even know how to host."

"I Can teach you."

"... OK?"

"Good then starting today you're a host."

"Oh joy." I say.

"Ok first we need to know what type of host you are."

"Ok before that though I want to change out of this uniform into more comfortable for a commoner."

"You're just gonna accept the fact that they-"

"Yup." I say to Haruhi and walked to the changing rooms.

I changed into my Black Nightwing shirt, some jeans and my weird wrist band. I then put my glasses on and my hat. I came out and saw the host club looking at me.

"What? Never seen a guy in normal clothes Before?"

"What? Never seen a guy in normal clothes Before?"

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This is how Takara looks if you were wondering. Also thanks for reading chapter 1. Please Comment and Vote. Goodbye you jellied weirdos.... seriously though why are y'all jellied?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2016 ⏰

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