it's too late!

13 0 0

The monster looks in my direction so I slowly but carefully move towards the hinge side of the door. i peek again but i can't see the horrible monster, if i can call it that.

All that is left is some blood, which i am afraid for whose it belongs to. The door across the hall opens so i dart across to my bed and hide underneath it. i wait in silence until i hear my mother scream in fear and a small thud.

i grab my wooden ruler just so if i need it to distract the horrid thing so i can run. Running is what i do best. I hold the ruler out in front of me like a sword. I boldly open my door fully.

"NNNNNOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" I hear my mother scream. I cant believe it. it's got my mother. I rush into my sisters room to find my mother's broken body, crying over something on the bed, soaked with blood and pieces of flesh, while my father supports her, with tears in his eyes. I have never seen him cry before, he usually hides his feelings. Seeing him like this, it's horrible and I know whatever they are crying over, it is too late. Too late to save it...

it's too late!!Where stories live. Discover now