After All We Have Been Through

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  The following morning when she wakes, he's gone. He left a note saying that he's gone back to what remains of Moriarty's castle and help the wounded. Molly smiles softly and tends to the children and to the wounded back home. In her spare time she meets with the event planners to plan the wedding. Sherlock is gone for the remainder of the month but he often sends word to her telling her he's fine and of the progress they're making with unifying the two kingdoms. Molly writes him often, telling of the progress they have made back home, and how well the children are doing in their studies. He tells her that when he arrives back at the castle that they will be married. Her smile spreads wide and she makes all of the preparations. A few days pass with no word and Molly assumes he's really busy helping people. She spots in the distance his horse and sees it carrying someone. Molly rushes out of the castle and grabs the reigns. "Woah boy." she says, calming the horse and looks at the passenger.

It's the King but he's bleeding from his chest and his eyes have a hollow look to them.
"Sherlock!!" Molly runs over and wraps an arm around his back, helping him off the horse. Servants come running out and two men help carry the king to the castle. Molly see the Kings guard's horses riding up, but all of the guards are dead. She covers her mouth and cries, calling the mortuary attendants. She rushes after the King. The doctors gather around him and strip off his garments. Molly takes his hand and kisses it. "Sherlock? Sherlock...focus my love...focus..I'm here. You're going to be fine." Molly gets to work with the other nurses and sees he's critically injured. Tears fall down her face but she keeps working, focusing all of her attention on the wounds. He starts coughing up blood as they tend to his wounds. Molly sits him up and holds a dish to his mouth. "Alright...alright my love..we've got you...just relax.." He looks around scared before passing out. She cradles his head and let's him rest, staying with him so he won't choke on blood.   

Sherlock suddenly finds himself in the middle of his battlefield, surrounded by dead bodies.
He pants heavily and looks around scared. Across the field, he sees his mother and father, dresses in a gorgeous white suit and dress. He starts running to them and they wrap their arms around him tightly. "Am I leaving the physical world?" 

"It's your choice. Right now, your body can't handle the blood loss, and your body is going to react to the pain and loss soon. But, if you choose to stay on Earth, your Father and I will help you heal. We know how difficult it has been, but then again, I know you found your soulmate." 

"It was one last group of Moriarty's loyal men. They overtook us." 

"I know darling" she takes his hand in hers, and his Father squeezes his shoulder and tells him, "You did not let us down. You've made my legacy one that everyone will remember. Because you are a good man and a good ruler." 

"I would like to return if you'll allow me." He bows to them. His mother smiles brightly but fondly and strokes his cheek

"My little are so grown. You're a good mate for her. She is truly one of a kind isn't she?" He nods softly. "Keep her close and realize how unique she is. She is not only kind and caring to everyone, but she is a hard worker and has strong values. Your Father and I both bless your matrimony, darling. She will make a great Queen." 

"Thank you, Mother." Joy hugs her son close. Sherlock hugs her back and kisses her cheek. 

"I miss you, sweetheart. But I know that London and Ireland needs more more than I do right now. Margaret needs you more than us right now. But I will always be there for you. We both will."

"Thank you." Mrs. Holmes kisses his cheek and fixes the stray curl on his forehead. "No more sadness. Your Father and I are at peace now. We love you. But you must go now." Sherlock nods slowly. Joy strokes his cheek and Sherlock wakes up sharply, gasping. Molly jumps up and wipes the sweat from his face. 

"Sherlock?? Oh Thank the Lord..." He pants and clings to her arms.

" love I'm here..." He lies back and whimpers softly in pain.

"You'll be alright...I've got you." She strokes his hair and kisses his lips gently. 

"I saw my mother and father." Molly eyes widen a bit. 

" did?" He nods, "they were in white robes. They looked so at peace." She smiles and takes his hand. 

"They have every reason to be. You've made them proud and honored them." 

He kisses her hands gently, "they've approved of you as well." 

"They did??" He nods. Molly blushes and kisses him gently, cupping his face. He kisses her back and sends his servants away. She looks into his eyes then continues to kiss him lovingly. He kisses her back softly, "how are the wedding preparations?" 

"They are going swimmingly well" "I'm afraid we'll have to wait a bit till my wounds have healed." He kisses her hand.

"Of course my love." 

"How are the children?" He strokes her hand. 

 "They are well. Adjusting."

He nods softly and kisses her hands. "How are my guards?"

Her face falls softly. "I'm're gone." 

His face falls, "A-all?" "Yes..I'm so so sorry." 

He lets go of her hands gently, "Leave me." 

"Sherlock..." He motions to the door. She looks at her hands and curtsies, moving toward the door. Sherlock turns as best he can away from the door and weeps silently. Molly turns back and bites her lip, knowing she could be punished for defying him. She wraps her arms around him from behind gently, and nuzzles his curls. "I am here for you...don't ever forget that. You can be free with me." Sherlock closes his eyes. "Before you punish me...just..let me say this....I love you. I love you so much Sherlock. And I want you to feel completely comfortable with me." She walks around to the other side on the cot and leans down, cupping his face and wiping his tears, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "You can laugh and cry and worry and smile and anything with me. I don't want our marriage to be us hiding from each other...I want it to be real. And if it isn't..I just need to know..." He holds her hand gently and kisses it. "So..what's my punishment..?" she asks quietly. 

King Holmes holds her hands under the covers. "I love you." 

"I love you as well." 

"Do you truly..? Or are you settling?" asks weakly.

"You're asking me that, after everything we have been through Molly. Of course. I really truly do. I love are safe with me as well, no worry of punishments. Our bond is real and true, not dictated to us." He whispers and kisses her softly. Molly kisses him back, enjoying an intimate moment with him for the first time in weeks.  

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