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His chest pounded once, vigorously. He lost balance and fell out of his chair unable to move. Just as he suspected. L knew he was going to die that day. He also knew there was no way to prevent it.

He anticipated the the fall to the ground. It would be cold, and if he wasn't about to die, his shoulder would hurt later on. But to his surprise, it wasn't the floor that he felt under him. It was a pair of warm arms. 'Light...' he thought. He looked up to a pair of brown eyes. He stared deeply into them for a few seconds, trying to cherish the face of his first friend, who was also his biggest enemy. At first, the eyes looked confused, but then, they turned wicked and became submerged with the intent to kill. Light smiled above him. An evil smile, as if to say, 'I won, game over'. He had already calculated his death in the equation to Kira's capturing, so he closed his eyes, as if to reply, 'Not yet...'.


When he woke up, his shoulder hurt.

"Ow," he said monotonically while rubbing circles on his arm. He looked around. This for sure wasn't the headquarters. A thick fog kissed the moss coated trees around him, leaving them generously wet. The sky above him was a glowing dark red with puffy pink clouds floating freely. 'I'm in a forest...?' He thought as he stood up to brush some wrinkles off his blue jea--... he wasn't wearing his jeans... he was wearing black pants with two white rings on the right leg. He had a cloak on too. It was white with two black rings across the area of his shoulders. He wore white boots with black soles 'Too flashy...' L decided.

The forest itself was an entirely different story. He was blinded by the sounds of animals from every direction. The setting was so... primitive, like something from a 'Man vs. Wild' episode. 'Not flashy enough...' he noted. He wasn't even sure from which direction the animal that was most likely going to eat him was coming from - all the sounds echoed and bounced off the trees.

It smelled like fresh rain, something he wasn't used to due to his countless hours working on cases only accompanied with the shattering silence and the familiar aroma of vanilla and strawberry cake frosting. Part of him liked the fact that he was outdoors for once. The other part, which happened to be larger, didn't.

He started walking forward, figuring that if he stayed stationary, he would most probably be made the meal of some creature, or starve to death. Nonetheless, forward was where something he didn't know would be waiting. Perhaps he would end up walking directly into the mouth of the creature that he could only imagine. He shrugged the idea off, and continued to venture on.


It seemed like ages. He had been walking, and walking without stop. His feet hurt, and his throat had grown to be a desert. He couldn't take it anymore. He crouched into his normal sitting position against a tree. His throat may have been a desert, but it was craving for dessert.

He sighed, and at that very moment, some... thing revealed itself from behind a bush. No, it wasn't a 'thing', L knew it's name. Let's see, it was green, rather big in size, it's mouth was home to many razor sharp teeth, and it held a stick in the shape of a bat. It was a... an... an ogre! He smiled in acknowledgement that he had figured it out, but soon the smile on his face disappeared as he realized his current situation. 'Dang'. The creature was about to swing it's bat, and L couldn't move his limbs. Inch by inch, the weapon grew closer to smashing his skull, but he couldn't react. And then, just when the bat was making contact with some of the longer strands of his hair, the beast miraculously combusted into a cloud of ash. Now his muscles decided to move and all he could do was cough and swat away the lingering ash using his hand. As his vision cleared, for a fraction of a second a silhouette of a person passed across the ash covered terrain and quickly vanished into the canopy of the trees. If he had blinked he wouldn't have seen it. He looked to the ground in front of him. There was something wrapped in cloth lying on the ground atop the grey of the ash and the green of the grass. He scurried onto his knees and grabbed it with both hands. His eyes widened seeing the contents of the package. 2 charcoal black pistols, so shiny, L could see his own reflection on the barrel. He noticed familiar grey soulless eyes, and he knew if he looked a little lower, he'd see dark circles underneath. He dropped the twin pistols and stumbled backwards, his back slamming into a tree. Something white caught his eyes. It drifted slowly, like a feather caught in the wind. The feather, no, piece of paper he was able to recognize as it neared him, landed on the patch of pale dry grass in front of him. He could make out writing, probably done with ink and a quill. Curiosity getting the best of him, he picked up the paper and started to read it.

'I'm a swordsman and don't exactly need these guns.To use them, basically just turn off safety, recite a spell or have one pre-loaded and pull the trigger. There is a spell already loaded into it, so you don't have to bother for now. They may be of some use to you. If you've decided they aren't, give them away. I'm sure you'll get a lot of money by selling them. Don't die.'

Lawleit gasped, flailing his arms in the air. 'I'm expected to believe this? All so suddenly? What exactly is going on here? I died, but this doesn't seem like heaven or hell!' he thought in disbelief of the events happening around him.
"What am I to believe?!?" He screamed softly.


'If there is a possibility of monsters trying to eat me, my best chance for survival is to be armed.' Lawleit decided mentally an hour later, looking down at the twin pistols. He had both pointer fingers resting on both triggers, like he was ready to shoot at any time. As if on que, a bush rustled behind him. He whipped backwards, pointing both guns toward the noise. Out of the green bush emerged a white wolf-like creature with glowing red eyes. Its silky fur coat shined in the newly risen sun. L lowered his firearms slightly, and watched as the animal circled around him. And that was when L realized. It was studying him. Its red irises bounced back and forth as if to see L's level of strength. He wasn't intimidated. Why should he be? It was just an over grown dog for all he cared. He lifted his chin a little higher to look above the wolf. It growled loudly.

Uh oh, he made it mad.

It readied its stance, it was going to pounce. Lawleit swallowed a lump in his throat. Just as it leaped into the air, he closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and pulled the trigger. Something wet stained his cheek. His eyes fluttered open. Red. Red was everywhere.

"Ahhh!" He screamed. The face of the wolf had shards of a bullet of ice pierced in it. Out of the wound, a crimson liquid seeped. The lifeless body of the wolf exploded into a billow of ash, like before with the ogre. He coughed and looked down at his hands. They were stained with blood coated with dust and ash. A tear rolled down his cheek and dropped off his chin. This was nothing like L the detective. Hopefully, time would turn him back to his old self.

(To be continued)


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