Chapter 43

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(A/N- This is the last chapter guys, sorry if its shit but i had no clue how to end the book)

It was the day that me, Connor and Trevor were going to begin traveling and i arrived outside of Chris's house.

I forgot to ask Chris if he wanted to come so I decided to do it in person. Knocking on his door, my nerves started to get the best of me.

What if he doesn't want to come

Or what if he does come?

I was interupted from my thoughts when Chris answered the door.

"Hey Lucie, whats up?" Chris asked

"Do you wanna come traveling with me, Trevor and Connor in my Rv for a few months?" I asked, there was an awkward sclience.

"Look Lucie i dont think this is gonna work out, my life is too complicated right now and a relationship just puts more stress on. So im breaking up with you, i hope we can still be friends" As Chris said that my heart sank. I can't believe that he would just dump me like that, maby i was russing into things or maby we weren't ment to be.

It's worthless

Im never going to find someone who actually likes me

My thoughts were interupted as I herd Chris say something.

"Well?" He said

"Sorry i was just taking in what you said, sure we can be friends" i said. After i turned around and walked back to the Rv feeling defeated.

When I arrived at the Rv, I decided to say goodbye to Kian and Jc. Slowly i walked up the staries to their apartment while contemplating my life choices.

Maby it would still be fine if I didn't decide to travel

Why do i make so many bad mistakes

As different thoughts went through my head, i knocked on Kian and Jc's apartment and a few seconds later Jc answered.

"Hey cousin, whats up?" Jc asked

"Well, Chris dumped my ass hard" i said while letting out a small laugh.

"Im sorry" he said hugging me

"Dont be, I think its helped me realize somthing" i said pulling away from the hug

"What?" Jc asked

"In life theres one person out there or sometimes two, that person will always love you and support everything you believe in" i said

"I think i found that person" Jc said

"Jen?" I asked

"Yea, were getting engaged" he said

"Congratulations!" I said

"So, where were you going with that dramatic speech before I interupted?" Jc said

"'Well i think that person has been right where i left him" i said

"You mean Kian?" Jc asked

"Do you think im right?" I asked

"Well i can't deny, Its obvious Kians feeling have grown for you over the years and he will never stop talking about you" Jc asked

"I knew it all along" I replied.

"KIAN" I shouted, a few minutes later Kian walked towards me and Jc.

"Whats up?" He asked

"I think im in love" i replied, Kians face lit up.

"With who?" He asked

"You" I replied, before he could answer me i kissed him and i felt sparks go off in my stomach, like fireworks were being lit in their.

I knew it all along





Making sure everything was on the Rv, i shut the door and locked it.

"Okay bitches, which one of you is taking the first driving shift?" Trevor said

"I will, find my road trip playlist on my phone please Trevor and play it" Connor said. as the Rv began to move, i sat down next to Trevor.

"TO TEXAS!" Trevor shouted.

"LETS GO!" I replied; shouting even louder than him.

There's somthing i have realized while being alive on earth. Sometimes life could be going completely the way you wanted it to, but then a chain of events could happen that may put it off track for a while. Lets just say that has happened to me alot in my existence so far. I have met some amazing people; as well as some not nice people. I have been given many chances to share my life story with others and I can't thank whoever decided to fuck up my life in the first place enough. without the chain of events that caused all the shit i have been through to happen, i wouldn't be the person i am today.

for once in my life, I can actually say that im happy.

What can i say! Driving around the world in an Rv with two of your best friends to keep you company is always going to be great.

The end

(A/N- end of the book, I think its gone quite well. I have another book named 'Different Perspectives' that will be published in a week or so. Look out for that on my profile. I hope you had a good day and enjoyed reading this trilogy -Lucie)

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