chapter 3: coffee

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After getting dragged around and being a third wheel, we settle down at a little outdoor food stand and sit and talk. Lizza and matt are talking about highschool band and such (which i didn't care for) so i told them i was going to go use the restroom. When i got up to go to the restroom, i got lost. I was wandering around looking for the restroom but i couldn't find it anywhere. I decided to sit down on a nearby bench and call lizza and tell her where i was and that i'm lost. As I'm telling her what happened, i hear a voice next to me say, "i can assist you." I turn, startled, and see nick robinson.

"What? Huh?" I say, flustered. Nick smiles "i can help you." "Thank you, but you don't have to do that." "Come on, i insist." I think about it and say "ok." i text lizza and tell her not to come for me. Nick then grabs my hand and leads me to the restrooms. When we get there, Nick lets go of my hand. "Thanks" "no prob" he says smiling that dazzling smile. As im heading inside the restroom, nick grabs my arm gently and asks, what's your name?" "Anahi" "anahi", he repeats to himself, then says, "i like that." "Really? You think that's great, you should hear my phone number." We both laugh. [Gosh his laugh is adorable] "yea i would love to get your phone number. And maybe we could get some coffee later?" "That sounds nice." I say with a big stupid smile.

i return to the food stand to lizza and matt and we head back to the hotel and I tell lizza and matt what happened and lizza started screaming "omg omg, what are you going to wear?!?" "Idk, I'm so nervous" "we got to go shopping now" "lizza, chill, I'm just gonna wear the clothes i brought with me." "Ugh fine. But keep the idea in mind." "I will, don't worry."

The next day, around 6 pm, i get a text message.
*hey, remember me? The guy who helped the damzel in distress 2 times 😂😌
I start screaming internally and i catch my self [no, you did not just get excited and started screaming in your head for a boy you barely know. Act cool, Anahi]
I text back
*totally 😂 thanks for everything btw
*it was nothing, hey you want to go to this cool coffee shop down the street from the hotel? 😏
*sounds fun! I'll be in the lobby in 10
*alright see you there beautiful
[Did he just call me beautiful?] i think to myself. I was already ready, i just needed a few touch ups. As im putting on my shoes on my bed, i look at the bed next to me, the one where lizza and matt are currently snuggling together. [they are so cute! I wish i had a guy like matt. Too bad the only guys that are interested in me are fucking losers.] I quietly walk to the door and leave my room. I walk down the hall to the elevator and i run into Nick.

"Nick!" "Wow anahi, you look great!" "Thanks." I say as I'm blushing. We arrive at the lobby and then walk to the coffee shop. Nick orders a decaf coffee and i order a vanilla frappé. I pull out my wallet as I'm about to pay but nick gently puts his hand on my hand that has the money and says "don't worry, I'll pay." "Are you sure?" "Positive." He says with a smile. I put my money away and we go sit down while we wait for our drinks. "Where are you from?" he asks. "San Antonio, Texas. What about you?" "I'm from seattle Washington." "Just like my favorite singer!" "Who's your favorite singer?" "Kurt cobain." He looks at me in shock, "wow i never thought a pretty girl like you would like 90's grunge music." He says while laughing. "Yea, i grew up listening to it a lot." "Cool, do you have a job or attend school?" "i just graduated from stanford university" "really? What did you major in?" "Accounting" "that's cool. Oh i think they're calling our order, be right back." As he leaves, lizza texts me.
*hey how's it going?
*great so far, we barely got here.
*did y'all hit 3rd base yet? 😂😏
*ew lizza ur disgusting, He's coming back bye
*tell him i said to take care of my girl puto! 😂
*lizza! Omg i gtg bye
*alright, bye

Nick catches me silently giggling at my phone. "What happened?" he asks. "Oh nothing, it's just my bestfriend lizza." "Oh cool, is she the girl with the red hair that i saw with you while i was giving out autographs?" "Yea, you saw me?" "I tried not to, but u looked so cute." I immediately start blushing, i could see that he was blushing too. A few seconds later, it got awkward. I didn't know what to say, and neither did him. But, luckily enough, a barista came over and asked him for an autograph. He gave her an autograph and took a picture with her and then sat back down. "Sorry about that, i can't go anywhere in public without being asked for an autograph, but i love seeing the look on my fans' faces, it reminds me that this whole fame thing is worth it." "It's okay, i understand, i love that you love what you do, a man with a passion." "Exactly! And thanks for understanding." "No problem."

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