Feelings for an Edenian

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Mortal Kombat, a tournament only for the strongest of fighters, some of them are good friends, some, mortal enemies. It is to become my hobby to write and tell some of their stories, in and out of the arena. I do not claim the rights to these characters or the game.

Feelings for an Edenian


"Princess wake up your father wants you." Jade said to the sleeping Kitana who just rolled over.

"Kitana do not force me to pull you out of your bed."

"Go away I'm still tired." Kitana replied in a low droning voice swatting her hand at Jade

"KITANA!" A voice boomed.

Kitana had annoyed her father again, this will end horribly for Kitana and Jade knowing Shao Kahn's anger, this will not be dealt with lightly.

"Jade I swear I specifically said get her up!"

"I am sorry emperor I should have been more forceful." Jade replied with her head down in shame as she backed away slowly.

"Nevermind, I have sent Mileena to run this errand!" Shao Kahn spat as he walked out of the room.

Kitana had never felt so sorry for Jade at any other time, she looked so ashamed and helpless as Shao Kahn had scolded her. She had never been scolded by Shao Kahn now that Kitana thought about it. Why was that? Was it her efficiency as an assassin or was it how good she was at all her jobs?

Kitana joined Jade in her sorrow and shame, it was Kitana's fault for Jade being punished, this was probably one of the worst moments in Kitana's life. 

She had just let her best friend take the fall for her wrong doing, so she got up and quickly hugged Jade which in all honesty took Jade by surprise, wait did Jade think Kitana had done this on purpose to get her father to scold her?

"Jade I am terribly sorry." Kitana said as she hugged Jade, feeling the tears from Jade's eyes, wait had Jade ever cried before?

 "I-it's ok I-I do not mind to take the blame." Jade stammered tears falling down her deeply tanned skin.

"Jade." Kitana soothed as she placed her friends head onto her shoulder. "You have never cried in front of me or anyone are you ok?"

"I-I am fine pri-princess." Jade was closing her eyes to stop or maybe hide the tears by this point.

"No you're not, Jade what is wrong I can tell something is wrong?" Kitana backed away denying her friend her shoulder until Jade would tell her.

Jade opened her eyes, they were full of tears and she had her mouth open but she was unable to speak.

"Tell me!" Kitana yelled surprisingly loud shocking Jade even further making her less likely to talk. Kitana knew this and instantly regretted yelling at Jade. Kitana sighed and walked over to Jade again and planted a kiss on her cheek which wasn't planned, wait why did she do that?!

"Ki-Kitana why did you do that?" Jade's tears had paused for the moment.

"I... I don't know." Kitana was suddenly pulling Jade's mask away and kissing on the lips deeply with an uncontrollable feeling of love towards her. What was this?! Kitana had always felt a sisterly love towards Jade but this was... this was different, like Kitana needed Jade, but that's not possible! Kitana has never needed anyone even her father. Why did Kitana need Jade and now of all times?

"Jade I must go for a few minutes an-." Jade quickly grabbed Kitana's arm tightly like her hand was made of iron stopping any of Kitana's movements.

"No p-please stay." Jade shakily replied. "I don't want to be alone right now."

"But you are alone half the time? What makes this different?" Kitana asked concerned for her friends health.

"I just... I need you to stay." Jade replied tightening her grip and pulling Kitana closer.

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