
9 2 2

Everyone has them.
Many people push them aside into the back of their minds and try to ignore it.
But us, the people like us, we can't do that.
We constantly think about it.
We write about it at night.
They eventually get so deep into our minds that we lead to self inflicted violence.
Which lead to the scars on your body.
Another Insecurity.
But one day we will all understand that everyone is insecure.
and one day someone is going to love everything you're insecure about.
You'll let them read the things you wrote those late nights.
You'll let them see the scars.
You'll understand that it's okay and you are loved.
You'll understand that God created you exactly how you were supposed to be.
You'll understand that everyone is insecure.
You'll understand that it's okay.

Late Night Thoughts.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt