Frist Day

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Garroth's P.O.V.

"Give us the money, punk!" I spring up. "Damn it. Did you have to wake me up from my nap? Irean Gene!" I yell. "Well, sleeping beauty finally woke up." Sasha yells. "Shut up! You can't say anything!~" I say in a singing voice. "What ever! Now, help us beat up this punk!" She says.

I wake up a little more. Yasssss! I can get money for Starbucks off of this pu- I stop. Something about him seems familiar. His light brown hair. His sky blue eyes. Wait. That's- "Hey, guys, if your looking for money, he probably isn't going to have any. Just look at those cheep clothes!" I point out. Hey. He is my friend. But I can point out those things. "You're right. But, that can also mean that he saving up and he some on him!" Zenix(is that how you spell it?) Starts to beat him up more. "Oh, brother."

I scan the area. Aha! There he is! "Hey, guys! I see our nerd is back! How about I take this punk on and you beat up the other guy?" I suggest. "Fine. Let's go!" Gene yells and takes off.

I make my way to him. He trending on the ground. I take his hand and spring him up. "Wha-what? I, I thought you were going t-to beat me up!?" He yells, shocked. "Hey. Would you shut up! They might hear you." I whisper yell at him. "Do-do I know you?" He asks. "I'll give you three guesses."

He's quiet for a moment. "Aphmau." He finally says. "Strike one!" I yell in a high pitched voice. "Zane." "Close, but no cigar!" "Wait, wait, wait. Garroth?!?!" "Congratulation! You won! You get a cookie!" I say sarcastically. "Anyways Laurence. Where we heeded?" I ask. "We?" He asks. "Ya. You aren't going anywhere without me. Once you're beat up by us, you're a target." I explain. "I see. Well, the dorms, I geuss" He says. "Cool. Let's go."

We walk to the dorms talking. "So, what's your dorm number?" I ask to see if I was close. "256." He says. 'Well," I say, "we're close" And by that I mean, that's my dorm too." "Well that explains all the punk clothes." He says. "Ha. Ha. Funny." I say. "I know it is." He says flatly.

We reach the room and I open the door for him. "Right after you, my sweet,sweet lady." I say in a dramatic voice. "Oh, I'm a lady now?" He asks. "Ya. 'Cause, you didn't have the balls to stand up to the gang." I say. When I got in I ran a jumped on to my bed.

"Ugh. I can't believe that they put me with a girl last year. She was weird. They couldn't trust a gay guy with another guy. At least the girl was gay too." I sigh. I sit up to see Laurence, crimson red, starring at me. "Wha-What?! Dude what th-the hell is wr-wrong with you?!" He yells. I chuckle. "You look so cute when you're blushing." I say is a sexy voice. He sighs. "I'm okay. I'm okay." He mumbles to himself. "Just," he starts,"just don't get any ideas.....Please?" "To late." I say."I'm getting all the ideas." "Wh-What!?" He says, his face getting redder. I laugh, HARD. "Oh,oh my Irean! I, I can't believe yo-you thought I was go in to do that! I, I can't breath!!!" I laugh.

After five minutes, I stop laughing. I start to go through his clothes. "Ugh. These clothes are ugly. How can you where things like this?" I say pulling out a neon yellow t-shirt. "I'm sorry I don't like darker clothes. Plus, I don't have a lot of money...." he says. "Okay." I say."We are going to the mall. NOW."

I grab my keys and his hand and ran quickly down the hallway and shoved my key into my car, and I was off to the mall.

~~~ Le magical time skip of magicalness~~~

"H-How did we spend three hours at the mall looking through T-shirts?" Laurence asks. "Please. I've spent longer looking though socks."I say, sitting down on my bed. "How?" He asks. "Don't know. Just, did." I lay down and yawn. "Night." I say. "It's only seven-thirty." He states. "Don't care." I say and I fall into sleep.

Cool. That was the end of the first chapter. Hoped you liked it. Sorry if you didn't. Hey if you didn't why are reading this? I don't know. Well see you later. Emerald out!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2016 ⏰

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