Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Drew was whistling to himself as he slotted his key into the door of his penthouse. He and Madeleine had turned up to work together, Madeleine entering the building five minutes before him so as to not rouse suspicion. He'd eaten lunch with her again whilst engaging in a light bantering conversation about everything, yet nothing really. After work, he'd dropped her home before driving to his penthouse and that was where he was now. They'd agreed (well, to be honest, he'd pushed her to agree) that he'd grab a change of clothing and he'd be at her house afterwards to provide her with some support when she told Brandon the big news.

Today was a superb day with a good friend... Those were his last thoughts as he pushed open the door. The sight that met him when he opened the door made him groan to himself. In his living room James laid across his sofa, his head on Cassie's lap and his legs on his older brother's, Luis, lap. Luis' grimace as he pushed James' legs off him suggested that this was a repeated move. Indeed, a second later, James had swung his legs up again. Cassie, on the other hand, absentmindedly stroked James', admittedly fluffy, hair as he talked a mile a minute to her. A very pregnant Angie sat on top of her husband and Drew's best friend as he cuddled her close, whispering something or another in her ear. Finally, Drew's other little sister, Andy and her fiancé Michael both had their laptop out, presumably doing some of work. The icing on the cake, so to speak, was the banner pinned above the sofa that someone, presumably James, had scrawled "Intervention" across.

When Drew entered the room, he had no choice but to step on the floorboard that squeaked. Immediately, all seven heads lifted and/or turned to look at him. They all chorused, in a manner that could only be rehearsed, "This is an intervention."

"Wait, wait, wait!" James sat up and squinted at Drew almost suspiciously, "Did you... Get laid?" Drew said nothing. Immediately all of the boys, but Luis, got up.

"1-2-3! Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang-bang-ity bang!" James began the song. The rest of the boys chimed in with enormous shit-eating grins as they sung, "I said a bang bang bang-ity bang!" All three boys began dancing – if you could call the immature thrusting motions dancing – as they sang the song louder and louder. Drew rolled his eyes as he waited for them to finish. Eventually they finished.

"Okay, now this is serious. We called you here-" James began.

"You didn't call me here, this is my house." Drew replied, rolling his eyes at them.

"We did, have you even looked at your phone in the past 2 hours?" James asked.

"Never mind that!" Cassie butted in snippily, "We called you here because we're concerned about you."

"I'm pretty sure I haven't been drinking more than usual, I don't smoke and I'm not doing drugs? What is this about?" He asked. A little edge of impatience snuck into his voice. He just wanted to grab his things and get back to Madeleine's.

"This is about you and Madeleine-"

"We love Madeleine, don't get me wrong." Angie told him, smiling gently in the way that only a mother (or an expectant one) could do.

"It's just... We think you're getting in deep with her." Andy added.

"I'm pretty sure you did last night as well, hey-o!" James snuck in the quip quickly, chuckling to himself.

"Eww." Andy and Angie wrinkled their noses as they simultaneously gagged, from the thought of their big brother and their new friend.

"I-I-I, W-we didn't-" Drew stammered out in an attempt to defend Madeleine's reputation.

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