Comic Con Part 3

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This part is dedicated to: ithinkdeanisadorable and Raeganr99 since I combined their ideas for the date.

I was sitting in the bedroom while Ashley and Gen got me ready for the date.
^30 minutes later^
Gen yelled, "JENSEN IS HERE!"
       I walked into the living room portion  of the hotel room wearing:

^30 minutes later^Gen yelled, "JENSEN IS HERE!"       I walked into the living room portion  of the hotel room wearing:

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causing Jensen to look at me shocked and he said, "Woah. You look amazing."
       I said, "Thanks. You don't look so bad yourself."
         He was wearing:

He gave me a smile and asked, "Ready to go?"      I nodded and he lead me to his car before we got in and drove to the beach

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He gave me a smile and asked, "Ready to go?"
      I nodded and he lead me to his car before we got in and drove to the beach. He said, "We're going on a Sunset Picnic on the beach."
       I smiled and said, "Great."
       Then he lead me to a place and we sat down before he got out ham and cheese sandwiches, grapes, strawberries and some Chardonnay. I asked, "Trying to get me drunk, Ackles?"
         He laughed and said, "No. Just thought you might like it."
        I nodded and said, "But I'm more of a beer girl if I'm being honest."
       He said, "Duly noted. So my dad is an actor and my mom works in a office. What do your parents do?"
         I looked down and said, "My mom was a nurse and my dad was a policeman."
         Then Jensen asked, "What do you mean was?"
           I said, "7 years ago yesterday on my 18th birthday, my parents were murdered. Jeremy and I were out getting dinner and we came home to see the police there and they told us about it. So I stepped up and started taking  care of Jeremy by myself. Then I met Ashley and she helped me take care of Jeremy. So we became a small little family."
         Jensen said, "I'm sorry babe."
        I said, "It's okay. So that's the reason that Jeremy and I are so close."
        He nodded and kissed my cheek before we watched the sunset as we ate, laughed and talked. He stood up and then we started walking along the beach together holding hands with our fingers intertwined. Then he pulled out his phone and put on the song 'Working On Me' by Cole Swindell and asked, "May I have this dance?"
        I nodded and then we started slow dancing while listening to the song.

Then I smiled at him before he leaned in and we kissed.

Then we pulled slowly and he kissed my nose before he took me back to the hotel and walked me up to my room before we kissed again and then I walked inside the hotel room smiling widely before telling Ashley and Jeremy every detail of the night

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Then we pulled slowly and he kissed my nose before he took me back to the hotel and walked me up to my room before we kissed again and then I walked inside the hotel room smiling widely before telling Ashley and Jeremy every detail of the night. Then we got ready for bed and went to sleep.

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