Full moon explained

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(Sorry it's been so long there was something's happening in my family for a while everything is better now)   

                                                                         NEXT DAY

James pov

'Ok James you can do this. You just have to tell the person you really like that one of your best friends is a werewolf.' As I thought that I was walking to the library which is where I told Severus to meet me. I went in a looked around for Severus and saw him in the back with Lily and Lucius. 'Shit what are they doing here?'

Third person

As James walked up Severus noticed some bruises and scratches on James.

"James what happened to you? You're covered in scratches and bruises."

"Yeah this has to do with what I need to tell you and I guess Lucius and Lily too. But first you have to swear to keep it a secret."

"Ok we promise."Severus, Lucius, and Lily said together. With that said they headed up to  the gryffindor rooms. James said the password and led them to the door outside the room.

"Ok, guys just don't freak out. Good,  good." James opened the door and made sure Remus was ready and showed them all in.

"Ok guys just sit on the beds. Remus is actually going to explain." After he said that Remus started sitting up while wincing so James went over and helped him sit up.

"Ok um. Hi guys just please listen. Ok first James and Sirius are animagus. There is a reason that they are but first what are you thinking right now."

"Well i'm guessing the secret has to do with why there bruised, cut up and why you look like you were mauled by a bear or something. I'm also guessing that's why you guys have the nicknames you do." With that said Severus looked at James and Remus.

"You would be-ah right Severus."said Remus "Ok so to make a long story short. My dad pissed of a man and that man is a werewolf, to get revenge he bit me and turned me. I came to hogwarts and met James and Sirius and they have helped me every full moon since."

"How do they help you?" That was the first time Lily had said anything since they entered the room.

"Well they basically distract me so that I won't kill myself or others." 

Lily just nods and they they leave so Remus can rest.

 End of the school year on the bus

They were in a train car and Severus was leaning his head on James's shoulder. Everyone was talking and everything was calm.

"Oh, yeah, hey Sev."

"Yeah James."

"My parents wanted to know if you want to stay at my house for the summer."

Severus was shocked by this but nodded.They sat there for the rest of the ride to the King's Cross. 

"See you guys later come on Sev we have to port key to my house."

"Okay, let's go."

With that said they went to James's house and went inside.

"Mom, Dad I'm home and I brought my boyfriend with me."

"One moment dear we'll be right there"



that's my chapter for know. tell me some names for James's parents please

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