Chapter 1

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Ring ring

I groan.

Ring ring ring

I groan louder, but then get up from my comfortable position in my bed and went across the room to my phone. When I looked, I saw it was my best friend, Kian calling me.

I should introduce myself. My name is Elizah Carter, and I'm 20 years old living alone in California. I work at a Vans store on the board walk with Kian and my other best friend Alex. 
I have long, ginger hair with the under half shaved. I'm really short, and I'm extremely pale for living in Cali.
Anyways, back to my story.

"What, Kian? Why are you calling me so early?" I yell at him, making him laugh into the phone.

"Lizah, its 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Your shift is about to start, you know." He tells me.

"Ah, shit! I'll be there soon" I hang up on him and hurryly get ready.
I quickly fill in my eyebrows and put my hair into a topknot, then get dressed in Adidas pants and a tie-dye shirt I stole from Alex.

I run down the hall to the kitchen and grab an Irish Cream Monster and a granola bar before grabbing my phone and Penny Board, then made my way to the Vans store where I worked.

I thankfully get to work in less that 10 minutes, just before my shift began.

"Hey, Miss Sleeps-a lot" Kian smirked at me once I came through the doors, situating beanies on the shelf.

"Shut up, Kian," I rolled my eyes, then went to the back room where Alex was sitting on her lunch break.

"Did you wake up late, again?" She gave a sly smile, then bit into her sandwich. I smacked the sandwich out of her hand, causing her to burst into laughter. We had a laughing fit for a few minutes, until our supervisor came in with a sour face. Or it was just his face, I couldn't tell.

"Get to work, Elizah." He said sourly, so I looked at the clock on the wall.

"Its not even my shift yet, sir." I said quietly, pointing to the clock.

"Still, I said get to work." Then he left, so I mumbled a curse under my breath. I left the back room and situated my Vans lanyard around my neck, then started to walk around the store and situate things. He didn't tell me to do anything specific, so this is what I'm doing.

"Boo!" I heard from behind me, and someone pinching my sides. I yelped, then spun around to see it was Kian.

"You asshole!" I whisper-yelled, since my supervisor wasn't that far away. Kian laughed and put his arm around me as I started to fold tank tops.

"There's a volleyball game later down at the boardwalk later, you and Alex wanna come?" He said, and started helping me with the tank tops.

"Since when do you invite Alex to stuff?" I asked him. Alex isn't really Kian's friend type, you see. Alex is really nerdy and anti social, would rather play World of Warcraft than to be at a party.

"Well, it seems she doesn't have a lot of friends, so why not?" He flashed a smile that makes me melt.

"Well, that's nice, we'll come then, i just have to ask Alex." I told him, and he nodded and walked away. 


Today's shift was longer than usual, due to my supervisor's bad mood and me being almost late. 

When it turned 7:00, i went to the back room and got my bag and Penny board, then left the shop. Kian was waiting for me outside, and he grabbed my Penny board as I lit a cigarette.

"You should quit doing that, you know," He said, so I stuck my tongue out at him and took a drag. 

Alex came up behind me and took the pack of cigs out of my back pocket, took a couple, then put the pack back. She lit one and took the longest drag ive ever seen her take. 

"Damn, she does it too? Such a boner killer." Kian shook his head dramatically and sucked his teeth, and I rolled my eyes. 

"Oh no, so tragic, no guy will ever love me since I smoke," Alex said sarcastically, causing me to laugh. Alex pretends to be asexual or something like that, but she likes guys and girls as much as I do, which is a lot. 

"Anyways, are you ready for some volleyball?" I said to both of them.

"Ugh, no thanks. I'd rather go home. But i'll see you later!" She grimaced at the thought of playing a sport, then went off into the direction of her car, waving at me as she walked. 

"I knew she wasnt gonna be into it, man," I said to Kian, and he shrugged his shoulders, and he watched me smoke the last of my cigarette, toss it, then light another one. 

"Damn! Another one? How many are you gonna smoke?" He laughed at me, and I shrugged as well.

"Only two, then Ill smoke one later. I try not to smoke too much." I told him, but I lied. I smoke the rest of a pack when I get home, then I usually buy a new pack before work. I might have to smoke less today, since I didnt have time to get a new pack this morning. I have to break into my emergency pack today, sadly. 

I dont tell Kian how much I smoke, since he doesnt like it very much, and I'm scared that he wouldnt want to hang out with me. 

"Oh well," He sighed, "Lets go do some volleyball!" 


I'm writing this story for my best friend Faith Carter, PhotosInThePast, who is in LOVE with Kian Lawley. I know its a little different for me to write about someone like him, but my best friend in the WORLD requested it, so I must!

~Alex <3

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