Chapter 2

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We made our way to the board walk, and I continued to smoke my cigarette. We walked together in silence, so I let myself think.

Kian and I have been friends for almost as long as Alex and I have been friends, and she and I met when she was in 6th grade and I was in 8th grade. I even liked Kian a couple years ago, but I started to ignore my feelings because I thought he would never like me back. I never even told him that I liked him, but I think he just knew.

The sky had no clouds, which was normal for Cali. There were a lot of people on the boardwalk, riding bikes, taking pictures, walking, or just standing against the railing and looking at the water of the ocean. Along the board walk was several shops, thrift shops, tourist stores, as well as where I work. 

We walked pretty far down the board walk, then got ice cream, and stopped by the volleyball courts (I think they're courts?) in the sand. People were gathering, getting ready for the little tournament, and we sat on the board walk railing. 

Me being a ginger, I had to put on a lot of sunscreen on, which I hated. I had Kian hold my ice cream as I coated myself head to toe in sunscreen. 

"I hate being a ginger," I said, and Kian took a lick of his ice cream. 

"Then stop being a ginger," He made a face at me, so I pushed his ice cream into the tip of his nose. He looked at me with surprise, then took my ice cream cone and pushed it into my cheek. I made a disgusted face at him, as I always do. I used his shirt to wide my face and he pushed me away. I giggled in response, then stuck my tongue out at him. He laughed at me and shook his head, then continued to eat his ice cream. 

He looked out at the water, so I took him in. 

He was wearing a bandanna around his head, his messy hair falling over it. His silver nose ring glimmered in the sun, and I watched how his nose crinkled the slightest every time he took a big bite out of his ice cream.

Gosh, he's so cute, I just want to kiss him. 

Fuck, I still like him. I dont want to to like my best friend! It's been years, I thought id get over him by now, but noooo, I have to still be into him, making my life hard. 

Please, will a flying shark come out of the water and eat me right now, pleeeaase??

"lizaahh," Kian said in a sing-song voice, and I realized I zoned out and stared Kian. 

"Huh?" I tensed, making him laugh.

"The tournament is starting," he said, then said in a girly voice, "and stop staring at me!" I mocked his voice and said, "Well, I'm sorrryy!"


Kian and I spent the day like any other. We ate a lot, watched people play sports, laid in the sand for a while then ate some more.

Kian and I are fatties together, but when I'm not around him, people might think that I'm anorexic.

When the sun started to go down, Kian drove me home, since he didn't want me to ride home on my Penny board alone when it got dark.

When we got to my apartment building, he parked in his usual spot and turned to me and said, "Here you go, m'lady!" with a fancy accent.

"Thank you, James!" I said with the same fancy accent. If youre wondering, James is Kian's chauffer name, since he drives me around all the time.

I pulled out my wallet and tried to give him money for gas, but he pushed it away.

"All the gas I use to drive you around all the time is to be repaid at a later time," he said, which confused me, but I didn't think much of it.

Then, he kissed me on the cheek.

Kian... what??

"S-see you later" I stuttered, then quickly got out the car. I quickly walked up the stairs and power-walked to my door, unlocked it, shut it behind me, then leaned against it. I touched my cheek, which tingled from Kian's lips.

"Fuck," I said to myself.

I stood there in shock for a moment, then texted Alex.

                             Come over right now

She texted back in just a minute.

                            Something wrong?

I thought of what to say.

                           Just come over!

It took her about twenty minutes to get to my house, which was weird, because her house was five minutes away, with her speeding.

It was explained when she showed up at my door with bags from Walmart, filled with my favorite chips, sodas and movies.

She went straight to the kitchen and put everything she got on the counter, then turned to me.

"What the fuck is wrong," She said with a tense face. I laughed, which softened her features.

"Nothing is wrong! I'm fine, I just wanted you to come over," I told her, and she huffed.

"Ugh, I thought something was wrong! What's up?" She flopped onto my black, leather couch, and grabbed the Xbox controller and put Netflix on the TV.

"Kian kissed my cheek," I told her bluntly, and she looked at me wide eyed. I squealed slightly, and she stood up.

"Woah, that's more action than I've gotten in my whole life," She said with a fake sniffle, then said, "I'm so proud!"

She sat me down and stared at me intensively, "tell me everything that happened."

"He drove me home from the board walk, and when I tried to give him gas money, he said, 'All the gas I use to drive you around all the time is to be repaid at a later time,' which really confused me, then he just randomly kissed my cheek, and I freaked out and left!" I told her with speed only she could understand. She thought for a moment, then giggled. "What??" I pushed.

"That thing he said? He's gonna want something kinky," She couldn't say it without laughing, but I shook my head.

"He'd never want that from me! He was probably joking," I bit my finger nail and continued to shake my head.

"Ha, no way, he's into you. He kissed your cheek, he said that thing, and I see how he looks at you all the time. He is so into you," She flipped her short hair and touched her eye lash, then continued to look through movies on Netflix.

After a moment she slapped herself, got up, went into the kitchen, and came back with one of the Clearance movies she got from Walmart, and put that into the Xbox.

As she did this, I spoke, "Don't be stupid. Someone like Kian wouldn't be into someone like me. He's probably just messing with me, or," gasp, "It was a friend kiss on the cheek! Like from the Fault in Our Stars book!"

She shook her head at me, "Whatever you want to believe."


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2016 ⏰

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