When will she learn to keep her mouth shut?
She wonders
as she looks at her reflection on her bathroom window
If maybe she was a different person, everything would be better.
Because she cant seem to look in the mirror without wanting to smash it,
Because it seems that she is stitching all the broken seams to her family tree
She wonders if its worse to cry or not be able to.
The aching crack in her heart is leaking through the bandaid she desperatly tries to use to fix herself.
Her past haunts every fiber of her exsistence wanting to crawl out of her skin and take control of her thoughts.
She should be happy.
She has everything she could ever want in this god forsaken life.
But the human race wasnt designed to settle with happy.
Andy's Poems
PoetryJustpoems I come up with. All are mine please give credit and do not steal