Chapter Five

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I felt the panic inside of me. Like someone had set a fire in my belly, and it was spreading upwards to my head. I tried to control my breathing. Slow breaths, it didn't work. I could tell that Micah could feel the tension coming from me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him move as if he were going to hug me. He hesitated though, and selttled with placing a hand on my lower back. I Flinched at the contact, but quickly allowed myself to feel the comfort it supplied. I needed to calm down. If I didn't get it together I was going to find out whether or not I was dead sooner than later by having a heart attack.

The only thing rushing through my mind was the thought of how awful my nightmares already are. Would they be the same? Can I handle it?

" Violet.." Micah said softly, prompting me to look at him.

"Breathe. I will take you down to your dreaming room. There is no avoiding it. I don't mean to startle you, or be harsh, but if you don't go willingly they will force you. I've seen it happen."

I nodded my head in reply, currently unable to speak.

Micah stood up slowly, leaving a feeling of absence where his hand had been. I felt like I had just had the covers ripped off of me after a long nap, cold and uncomfortable. I followed his movements and stood myself.

We left the room and began walking down the hall. There was no real conversation between us on the walk. I think we were both anxious about my position, though I'm not so sure why he would care. He only just met me. Maybe he was lonely..

After what felt like an hour (which was realistically only about 5 minutes) we reach a large metal door. He laid his hand on it, then looked at me.

" You have to touch it too, anyone who passes through here has to touch it. I assume that it's a way for them to keep track of where you are at what time. Every door outside of your room door is the same way."

I nodded, and placed my hand on the door also. There was a subtle blue glow, and a warm feeling underneath my hand. Then the door slid open to reveal three more doors that were exactly the same, as Micah had said they would be. There were numbers over the doors. 1, 2, and 3.

He grabbed my hand, and gently pulled me to face him. He then placed his hands on my shoulders, and looked deeply into my eyes.

" I like you Violet, so I want you to get through this. I want you to be ok. Just remember that it is not real. It will look real, feel real, but it is NOT real. Tell yourself that over and over. Remind yourself. You seem strong. I see a fire in you, a brave girl. Prove me right."

I was a little taken aback at the seriousness in his eyes, at how much he seemed to care. I gave him a small smile.

"Thank you Micah, I'll do my best."

He nodded, gave my right shoulder an extra pat before removing his hands.

" I will meet you out here when you are done if you want me to. We should be finished around the same time."

" I would appreciate that. How long does this usually last?"

He looked at me with a grim expression as if he didn't want to answer.

"Six hours.."

My eyes went wide with fear. Six hours of nightmares? Six hours! I could hardly stand 10 minutes. I pushed my fear as far away as possible. I needed to do this, for Oli.

"Ok, see you in six then." I said with a determined look. He smiled and nodded. Then he left.

I looked at the door. Door number three. My door. I took a deep breath and walked over putting my hand on the smooth metal surface.

"Welcome 9003."

The door opened, and I gasped involuntarily at the sight.

The room was huge. Giant. Seemingly endless. Throughout the room There were rows and rows of people, all ages. The closest I saw appeared to only be a toddler, but there was also a clearly very old woman nearby. They were all lying on what looked like hospital beds, but with none of the comforts. Hardly any padding, no pillow, no covers. Wires were connected to each of their heads, and went all the way up to the ceiling, where they dissappeared.

But it wasn't the sight that shocked me the most.. It was the noise.

Crying, whimpering, screaming, wailing, heavy breathing. No one appeared to be moving, but they could still make noise. If it were possible for me to grow paler I would have.

Frozen to the spot where I was standing, and not knowing where to go, I stood there in horror.

There were more people walking around, appearing to be monitoring things. People like the boy I had first met. Cold eyes, expressionless faces.

"9003." I jumped at the voice next to me. I looked over and it was the same boy from before. Had I been in such shock that I didn't even hear him approach me? I looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

"I will take you to your bed now. Follow me." he said mechanically.

Seeing no alternative I dragged my feet from their position, and followed him through the rows of people. I was studying my surroundings, looking at all of the faces that I saw, wondering if I would see a familiar one. It seemed far fetched, but if I WAS dead there is a small chance that I might see one of my parents. If I did, then I would know for sure and inform Micah. Though something in me was telling me that this was not the afterlife. It seemed to...evil.

I was so distracted that I almost ran into the boy when he stopped in front of an empty bed.

"Please lay down 9003."

I sat down on the bed, shaking in apprehension. This was happening. There was no way out that I could see. I threw my feet up onto the bed, and laid down. I looked up at him, and he had his back turned towards me. When he turned back around he had a needle. Man do I hate those things. What was in it? Something to put me to sleep maybe?

"What is that?" I asked nervously.

"A sedative." he replied blankly.

He brought the needle toward my arm, and as he stuck it into my vein I did my best not to flinch. All of a sudden I felt the need to ask him, "My name is Violet, what is yours?"

At first I thought he wasn't going to reply, but right before I lost consciousness he did. He spoke very softly, with almost a hint of actual emotion.

"I have no name 9003, and neither to do you."


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